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Ada Byron (Lovelace)
Facts about this computer pioneer.
Ada Lovelace
Includes a biography of her life, and a timeline of events.
Babbage Pages: Ada Lovelace
Read about this mathematician and scientist. Focuses on her work with scientist Charles Babbage.
Bill (William Henry) Gates III
Report written by a college student. Includes photos.
Grace Hopper
The woman who worked on the first commercial computer.
Grace Murray Hopper
Read about the woman who invented the compiler, a program that translates English instructions into the language of a certain computer.
Grace Murray Hopper
Article on this woman who programmed some of the very first computers.
Herman Hollerith's Tabulating Machines
Read about the man who invented machine that made it easier to tabulate Census reports.
Herman Hollerith: The World's First Statistic
Read a biography on the "Father of Information Processing".
Hollerith, Herman
Read about the man who invented the tabulator Census Bureau.
Jack S. Kilby
Biography on the man who invented the microchip and the pocket calculator from the Nation Inventors Hall of Fame.
Jack St. Clair Kilby
Read about the inventor of the Integrated Chip and Pocket Calculator.
Jack St. Clair Kilby
Inventor of the microchip and pocket calculator.
Jack St. Clair Kilby Biography
Read about the inventor of the microchip.
John von Neumann: Genius of Man and Machine
Biography of the man who built the first computer that used a flexible stored program, and developed a theory of artificial automata.
Steve Jobs
Biography from the official site of Apple Computer.
Steve Paul Jobs
Biography of this founder of Apple Computer.
Steven Wozniak
Engineer and co-founder of Apple Computer.