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Human Evolution
A Look at Our Ancestors, Ancestral Lines, BBC News: Asteroids May Have Affected Human Evolut, Becoming Human, Discovery Channel: Walking With Cavemen, Flat-faced Man is Puzzle, Handprint : Ancestral Lines, Hominid Evolution, Hominid Sites Around The World, Human Evolution: The Fossil Evidence in 3D
An Illustrated Guide to Origin of Species
Full text of Charles Darwin's celebrated Origin of Species, in which he outlines his theory of evolution.
BBC Education: Evolution
A comprehensive look at Darwin's theory, its scientific foundation, and the impact it has had on modern culture. Includes complete text of Origin of Species, along with a RealVideo feature on natural selection.
Darwinism and Beyond
Thinkquest site offering a history of the universe, origins of the universe, earth, and atmosphere, and many aspects of evolution.
Enter Evolution: Theory and History
Traces evolutionary thought as it has developed over time, pausing to ponder the contributions of scientists and thinkers including Aristotle, Darwin, and Wallace.
Provides a guided walk through the history of evolution, as well as the processes and concepts of genetics and evolution.
Explorations Through Time
Offers a variety of interactive modules that explore the history of life on Earth, fossils and evolution. Modules are offered at 3 levels - grades K-4, 5-8, and 9-12.
Genesis One, Dinosaurs, and Cavemen
Attempts to reconcile the theory of evolution with the Biblical account of creation through the "gap" theory.
Life Has a History
Provides students with an introduction to the history of life and how it results in the biodiversity of today. Includes the topics of geologic time, fossils, natural selection, and extinction.
NOVA Online: Odyssey of Life
Includes an essay by Joe Levine on embryonic development and evolution, an ongoing 'How Did We Get Here' debate between Kenneth R. Miller and Phillip E. Johnson, and video clips of morphing embryos.
PBS : Evolution
Presents Charles Darwin and his theory of human evolution and natural selection. Includes science education resources.
Synthetic Theory of Evolution
Contains a glossary to scientific terms and information on how evolution occurs as a result of 'gene flows'.