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Baby Cloning Plans Under Fire
A prominent Italian cardinal has criticised plans by Italian and US doctors to clone human beings; March, 2001 article from BBC News.
Clone in Sheep's Clothing
Scientific American article about the first cloned sheep from 1997. Describes techniques and touches on ethical questions.
Clone World
Thinkquest site in English and Japanese. Offers an introduction to cloning technology, including ethics, how a clone is made, games, think tank, FAQ, and links.
Overview of cloning and stories.
Cloning Report
Collection of articles about cloning from 1999 and 2000 from the Washington Post Online.
Cloning, Are Humans Next?
Discusses what cloning is, how cloning could be used, whether it is right or wrong, early attempts at cloning, and Dolly, the cloned sheep; from World Book Encyclopedia.
Cloning: The Real Truth
Thinkquest site discussing Dolly the cloned sheep, history of cloning, strange fruit, games, and a quiz.
Doctors Defiant on Cloning
Italian and US doctors say they intend to push ahead with plans to clone human beings despite widespread condemnation; BBC article from March, 2001.
NOVA: 18 Ways to Make a Baby
A look at fertility, cloning, and how cells divide.