english deutsch
Explanations, with images and animations, covering the basics of biochememistry. Written by a high school, ex-AP Biology and AP Chemistry student.
Ca2+ : An Ion of Biological Cybernetics
Article on the roles of Ca2+ in various life processes starting from fertilization and development to the cell death.
Cell Biology
Interactive tutorial for learning the fundamentals of cell biology. Includes cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis, and organelles with tests.
Cell Biology and Cancer
Includes numerous movies and activities to explain the role of cells in cancer. From the National Institutes of Health.
Cell Fractionation
About the methods used to separate the organelles and components of a cell. With pictures and a description of homogenization and centrifugation.
Cells Alive
Visual tour of cells includes a look at their life, death and interaction.
Cells Are Us
Learn how you grow from just one cell to a whole person. Teaches cell division and reproduction.
Cells Are Us
Middle school online curriculum about cells. The five units include: levels of organization, interacting with the outside world, creating energy for the cell, coding and translating instructions, and making protein machinery do things. Offers notes and graphics.
Enchanted Learning: Cells
Contains cell glossaries, drawings and activities for animal and plant cells
Gondar Design Biology
Course pages with information about cell organelles and processes.
I Can Do That - Cells
Basic lesson in plant, bacteria and animal cell structure.
The Cell Membrane
Learn about the important role the cell membrane has in protecting a cell and keeping things functioning.
The Cell Nucleus
Read about cells and what their functions are in the body. Also contains information about how DNA passes on genetic information
The Cell Nucleus
See a labeled diagram of the many parts of a cell.
The Cell Page
Put together by a school in Menlo Park, CA, visitors may read the research about each cell organelle. Pages were completed by students.
The Cell Store
Student project presenting the parts of the cell in sales format.
The Virtual Cell
A tour and text book for cellular biology. Includes diagrams, worksheets, and instructions in four languages.
Three-Dimensional Interactive Cell
Animation of flying through a cell and viewing the nucleus, golgi apparatus and mitochrondria.