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All About Horses
School project including anatomy, history, pictures and quizzes.
Breeds of the World
The International Museum of the Horse's comprehensive listings of all equine breeds, complete with biographical information and photos.
Buying a Horse
Veterinarians help with what kind of horse to get and where to find just the right horse.
Care of the Horse
How to clean your horse, clean the stall, feed your horse, find a veterinarian, show your horse companionship.
Fossil Horse Cybermuseum
Learn all about ancient horses and their ancestors in this exhibit developed by the Florida Museum of Natural History.
Grooming for Health
A grooming routine that will help keep your horse healthy.
Hippology: Studying the Horse
Study notes for those competing in 4-H or Pony Club Hippology, Horse Bowl, or Know Down competitions. Includes articles, bulletin board, and links.
Horse Lover's Corral
Fun and educational site for horselovers of all ages. Includes jokes, riddles, pen pals, horse dictionary, horse anatomy, horse stories and poems.
You love horses? Here you'll find good info on these animals, puzzles, and you can even test your knowledge.
Public Broadcasting System (PBS) Nature program on what a horse is, how some handicapped riders have succeeded, and how horsepower has helped civilization develop.
See pictures of and learn all about the many different breeds of horses.
Horses 4 Kids
Games, stories, quizzes, and links.
Horses and History
Explains how horses helped build civilizations from ancient times, through the Middle Ages, up to modern times.
Kids Talk Horses
If you are a kid and you like horses, games, and chatting, then come and join us!
Mongolian Wild Horse
Provides information about the mongolian wild horse such as diet, habitat, and a photograph.
Moody Mare
Includes tips for jumping, safety on hacks, horse stories and photos.
Przewalski's Horse
All about the only surviving species of wild horse; from the Canadian Museum of Nature.
Stacey Mayer's Free Online Coloring Books
Arabian horses and their friends.
Talking With Horses
An interview with Animal Communicator, Susan Travis.
The Horses 4 Ever Guild
Organization for horse lovers to gather and talk about their horses, exchange riding and grooming tips, as well as competition tips.
Virtual Horse Graphics
Free clip art, graphics, horse paintings, greeting cards, screen savers.
Wild Horse and Burro Internet Adoption
Bureau of Land Management explains their adoption program for wild horses and burros.
Wild Horses of Mongolia
PBS Nature program narrated by Julia Roberts about the wild horses in Mongolia through the ages and as they are now.
Wild Horses, an American Romance
History and current state of wild horses in America.