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Butterfly Gardening
Butterfly Gardening, Butterfly Gardening, Butterfly Gardening and Conservation, Monarch Watch : Butterfly Gardening
All About Butterflies
A comprehensive on-line book about butterflies.
Animal Facts: The Monarch Butterfly
Offers facts, photos, drawings, links, and a free printable coloring page.
Beal School's Exploring Butterflies in Kinder
An up-close look at the bodies and life cycles of butterflies. Includes photos, drawings, scientific terms with definitions, and students' reflections.
BillyBear4Kids.com ... Butterfly and Bugs
Photographs show the life cycle of a monarch butterfly. Also includes fact sheets, printable coloring pages, craft ideas, and online games.
Basic information about all types of butterflies; includes information about the life span and life cycle of butterflies.
Butterflies Along Alaska's Hiking Trails
Photos and information about Alaskan butterflies by Mary Hopson.
Butterflies and Moths
Contains brief information about these creatures and lists some common foods that several species of them eat.
Butterflies at the Field Museum
Explains the basic characteristics of butterflies, tells about their habitats, and shows photos from the museum's collection.
Butterflies North and South
Photos of butterflies from Canada and Peru, basic facts about butterflies, information about butterfly conservation and tips for creating butterfly gardens in 4 specific regions of Canada. Includes some games and educational activities.
Butterflies of North America
A comprehensive list of butterflies that are commonly found in North America.
Butterfly Fun
Includes printouts, games, printable stationary, and facts.
Club Caterpillar
Features educational activities and games about caterpillars, butterflies, and moths.
Flying Flowers
Butterfly gardening, raising butterflies and caterpillars. Special section for helping the kids with this project.
Gypsy Moth in North America
History of introduction of the gypsy moth to New England, maps showing current locations, photos of the life cycle.
Jack Hulland Elementary - Butterflies On-Line
Watch an on-line metamorphosis and learn about the life-cycle of the Painted Lady Butterfly. Developed by Yukon Grade three classes complete with activities and teacher resources.
Mighty Morphing Monarchs
View interesting facts about the life cycle of a monarch.
Monarch Conservation
A new way of tracking Monarch migration through isotopes, and a theory that Monarchs make their way to overwintering grounds by finding the thermals.
Monarch Watch
Dedicated to education, conservation, and research of the Monarch butterfly, features information about the life cycle, gardening instructions, migration and tagging, and curriculum guides.
Monarchs and Migration
Lists ways kids can investigate butterflies. Also includes photos and stories. From the Science Museum of Minnesota.
New Zealand Butterflies
Offers biology background of butterflies, gifts, watching guidelines, and types of butterflies found in New Zealand.
The Butterfly Site
Includes information on gardening, biology, breeding, and conservation. Also provides fun facts, activities, and pictures.
The Butterfly Website
Extensive collection of butterfly information, including an atlas of butterflies, locations of butterfly gardens and houses, a photo gallery, stories, and information about obtaining grants to make a butterfly garden at your school.
The Children's Butterfly Site
Kids can learn all about butterflies and moths at this site. It includes a coloring page with the life cycle of the Monarch, and a gallery of pictures.
The Effects of Ultraviolet Light On Tiger Swallowt
Student research project testing the effects of UV light on butterflies.
Where Do Butterflies Come From?
A simple hands-on look at the life cycle of butterflies.
Woolly Bear Caterpillar
Kids and Teens can learn the habitat, description, and range of the Wooly Bear Caterpillar and the Woolly Bear Caterpillar moth.