english deutsch
Bumblebee Lifecycle
Provides a complete listing of detailed information about the bumblebee life cycle.
Provides information about bumblebees such as habitat, description, and behavior. Also Includes links to frequently asked questions about bees, and a section that describes the life cycle of the bumblebee.
Explore the Honey Bee
A collection of facts, photos, activities, and links. Includes a quiz.
Honey Bee Facts
Contains information about honey bees. Information includes honey production, behavior, and social classes within the bee colony.
How do Bees Make Honey?
Explains how bees use nectar to make honey
Killer Bees
Provides information about killer bees. Information includes colony life, differences between killer bees and honey bees, and the honey production rate of killer bees versus honey bees.
Lesson Tutor - An Introduction to Bees
An entire unit on bees for first graders - worksheets, activities and resources.
Tales from the Hive
Companion web site to the NOVA program. Includes a Quicktime clips of bee "dancing" and many facts about bees and the production of honey.
The Amazing Beecam
Webcam showing bees and beehandlers.