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Eclipses in History
History of Eclipses, from fear to fascination, from a pamphlet produced by a cruise company.
Exploratorium: Solar Eclipse
Resource information and features including what to expect when you see an eclipse, why they happen, and how to view one.
Fred Espenak's Eclipse Home Page
Contains maps and tables for 7,000 years of lunar and solar eclipses, eclipse photographs, observing tips and eye safety information.
Introductory Eclipse Tutorial
Find out what causes an eclipse, about solar eclipses, and eclipse patterns. Originally for a book by Bryan Brewer, but you can read these pages without buying the book.
Luna Eclipse Computer
From the Astronomical Applications Dept. at the U.S. Naval Observatory, calculate what time the next lunar eclipse will occur in your area.
Lunar Eclipses 2000-2005
University of Michigan's list of lunar eclipses, but doesn't say where they can best be viewed.
Mcglaun.com's Eclipse Page
Personal page by an eclipse fan with his pictures and stories of eclipses he has seen.
A comprehensive site that includes instructions on how to photograph eclipses plus a photo gallery of recent eclipses and information about lunar and solar eclipses.
Sky and Telescope's Eclipses Page
Astronomy magazine with pictures and information about eclipses to come and past eclipses. Includes solar eclipse viewing safety and how to photograph eclipses.
Solar Eclipses
Tells how often they happen, gives a diagram that shows what the position of the earth and sun and moon are, and defines the types of solar eclipses. Includes animations of eclipses.
What Causes a Lunar Eclipse?
Brief explanation about how lunar eclipses happen.