english deutsch
Charts and Graphs
Provides introductory information on bar, line and pie graphs with pictorial examples.
Create a Graph
Explains and illustrates the different types, and provides a step-by-step guide to creating examples for downloading and printing.
GCSE Maths: Graphs
Introduction to XY graph plotting, with gradients and intercepts discussed. Includes animations and examples.
Graphing Round Our School
An Alaskan school conducts an annual event where everyone collects data about their role in the school, then graphs it and writes six questions about the graph, one for each grade level.
Math Forum: Graphs
Contains step by step instructions for creating bar graphs, pie charts and pictograms, with a guide to using web graphics.
Print Free Graph Paper
Print Cartesian, Engineering, Polar, Isometric and Logarithmic graph paper.
Tables and Graphs
Has information, graphics, and quizzes to help students review tables and graphs.
Tracés animés
Graph 2D or 3D curves and surfaces with the ability to zoom, deform and rotate.