english deutsch
Citation Resources
MLA Format, Turabian-Chicago Format, Citation Style for Research Papers, Columbia Guide to Online Style, Integrating Sources into Text, SourceAid
Essays and Reports
Book Review, Basic Guide to Essay Writing, Basic Steps to the Research Process, Biography Maker, Essay Builder, Essay Guide, Essay Info, Essay Start, Essaypunch.com, Essays Writer's Help, How to Write an Essay
Print & Learn: Writing Cursive, Rules for Good Handwriting
Plagiarism, Purdue University: Avoiding Plagiarism, School of Education, Indiana University: How to Re, Ten Big Myths About Copyright Explained, What is Plagiarism at Indiana University
6wishape, Amy Lynn's Poetry Pages, Glossary of Poetic Devices, In the Moonlight a Worm, Poetry Writing with Jack Prelutsky, Rhyme Zone, The Poetry Workshop Pages, Writing Poetry: A Beginner?s Guide
Joys of Punctuation, Punctuation, Punctuation, Punctuation Chart, Punctuation Reminders, Punctuation Tips, Quotations and Correct Punctuation
(American) English?Spelling, Commonly Misspelled Words Quiz, First School Years: Online Literacy Games, Frequently Misspelled Words, Good Character Traits, How Well can you Spell, LD Online: Spelling Strategies, List of Commonly Misspelled Words, Literacy Resources - Spelling Tips, Musical Spelling Rules
11 Rules of Writing
A concise guide to some of the most frequently violated rules of writing, punctuation, and grammar.
ABC's of the Writing Process
Tips for each of the five stages of the writing process.
Anthony?s Workshop
Helps learn all about parts of speech and punctuation through exercises.
Assorted Ham
Features online story writing activity where young writers can writer their own stories or contribute in existing stories.
Forum for young writers to exchange knowledge on various types of writing and seek help to publish their own work.
Center for Writing: Quick Tips
A series of suggestions for effective and correct composition. Covers punctuation, style, grammar, plagiarism and specific writing tasks. Each topic can be downloaded as PDF.
Creative Writing Process
Step by step approach to writing essays and stories. Includes tips for brainstorming, web mapping, outlining, editing, draft copy. proof reading, final copy, references, and worksheets.
Effective Writing
Writing guidelines that show you how to make readers understand and feel your thoughts.
English Online - Writers' Window
Provides guides to writing stories, poems, reviews, and research papers. Also publishes the writings of children and teenagers.
For Kids: Secrets and Surprises about Writing
Children's book author Pamela Jane tells how she gets ideas for writing.
Grammar King
Offers basic information about English Grammar through quizzes, rules, puzzling words and other online resources.
H.W. Fowler: The King's English
Authoritative text on grammar, syntax, punctuation, writing techniques, and style.
Haiku for People
Tells what Haiku is, explains how to write it, and gives numerous examples in English.
Judy Reeves - Writer
Includes hints, tips and ideas.
Kid Quotes Wanted
Greeting card publisher that holds a semi-annual kid quote contest. Student writers submit quotes that might be used in future greeting cards. Prizes are awarded.
Kiddie Thoughts
Offers kids and teens a chance to share their thoughts in the form of stories and poetry.
Kids' Place: English
An interactive way of improving written work, with ideas for practice sessions and an explanation of the drafting and revision process.
License 2 Write
Teaches students how to structure a paper and improve their proofreading skills.
Message in a Bottle
Read what kids from a 6th grade class wrote to go in a bottle which was thrown into the Mediterranean Sea.
Myths, Folktales and Fairy Tales
Resource for learning about and writing in these genres.
Online community and magazine for those who are involved in writing.
Official Flat Stanley Project
A journaling project in which schools create a paper doll, write a journal for a few days, and send it on to another school. Includes a list of partner schools and how to get involved.
Oswego High School Online Writing Guide
Need help in getting started on that book report or term paper? Learn how to create outlines, to organize writing, and construct well-organized paragraphs.
Paragraph Builder
Step-by-step directions for organizing and writing a good paragraph.
Paragraph Organizer
Offers paragraph writing help, composition of a paragraph and instructions for writing.
An online writing tutorial; takes students through the actual steps of writing a paragraph online.
Potluck Children's Literary Magazine
Children's magazine that publishes poetry, short stories, book reviews and artwork by young writers/artists ages 8-16. Includes educational articles to enrich writing skills.
Scatty Thoughts
Resource for teenagers to post, read, and review their thoughts in form of articles, stories, lyrics etc.
Science Fiction Writing Activity
Use nonfiction science to create a science fiction story.
Sen10ce Maker
Provides sentence making tips, techniques of how to structure a sentence and clarification on confusing words and verbs.
Start Creative Writing
Helps in improving writing skills through tips, guides and notes.
Swords of Writing
Pictures, stories, poetry, and a chatroom intended to provide motivation for writing.
The American Heritage Book of English Usage. 1996
Practical and authoritative guide to contemporary English. Provides a detailed look at grammar, style, diction, word formation, gender, social groups, and scientific forms.
The Claremont Review Literary Magazine
Solicits and publishes teen writings; also offers writing tips and a manuscript/mentor service.
The Elements of Style - William Strunk
Principal requirements of plain English style. Focuses on the rules of usage in literature, composition and grammar.
The Five Paragraph Essay
Basic information, writing prompts, and examples.
The Writing Pot
Offers help to young writers in publicizing their writing in a small community.
Topics for Informative or Persuasive Speeches
Topics submitted by students. Can be used for ideas for essays as well. Users may submit suggestions to add to the list.
What Makes a Good Story?
Interactive exhibit takes visitors on a literary journey through the classic short story and examines the elements that come together to create a good story.
Words etc.
Introductions to poetical forms, book reviews, poetry and stories by 16-year-old Sonya Hallett.
Write Away - a site for teen writers
Provides a writing workshop where characters, plot, and setting can be developed.
Writing Den
Offers resources for students and teachers to improve their English reading, comprehension, and writing skills.
Writing Skills
A comprehensive guide to researching information and producing well structured written work. Includes sections on paragraphs, punctuation, essay writing, and using references.
Young Scottish Poetry Library
Poetry writing activities and workshops for children and young people.
Young Writers' Clubhouse
Encouragement for young writers by Deborah Morris, author of the Real Kids, Real Adventures series. Includes answers to frequently asked questions and tips for getting started.