14th Hull Rainbows
This unit's uniform, leaders, favourite songs, activities, international link with Canadian Sparks, why the story of Noah's ark is special for rainbows.
1st Pilgrims Hatch Rainbows
Rainbows round the world, crafts, recipes, mascot. Unit based in Essex.
1st Prestwood Rainbows
The activities, meeting themes, crafts, photo album and other information about 1st Prestwood Rainbows, Buckinghamshire.
2nd Godmanchester Rainbows
A rainbow unit in Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire. Photos, events, joining information, mascot, rainbow links.
4th Glossop Rainbow Guide Unit
About Rainbows, Noah's Ark story, guiding links, unit activities including international themes.
7th Stevenage Rainbows
Dancing rainbow dolls, handprint poems, other crafts and a few songs.
Leverington Rainbows
A Cambridgeshire unit - events they've taken part in, pictures of the girls and their crafts.
Ystalyfera, 1st - Brownie and Rainbow Units
Brownie Guide Unit and Rainbow Unit, Wales, United Kingdom. Information on where the unit holds its meetings, and who they are.