Girl Guides of Canada, Castlegar 1st - Guide Compa
British Columbia Guiding company. Includes meeting times and locations, calendar of events and activities, programme information, and contacts.
Girl Guides of Canada, Fitzgerald 1st - Guide Comp
Newfoundland (English Harbour West) Guiding company. Includes meeting location and times and contacts.
Girl Guides of Canada, Gull Lake - Guide Company
Saskatchewan GGC group. Includes programme information, meeting times and locations, and contacts.
Girl Guides of Canada, Mount Pearl 9th - Girl Guid
Newfoundland Guiding group. Includes location, contacts, and extensive links.
Girl Guides of Canada, North Bay 43rd - Brownie Un
Ontario Brownies group. Includes meeting times, leadership, and contacts.
Girl Guides of Canada, North Bay 44th - Guide Comp
Ontario Guiding group. Includes programme information, meetings and activities, leadership profile, and contacts.
Girl Guides of Canada, Ottawa - 58th Brownie Unit
Ontario Brownies group. Group information and pages by the girls.
Girl Guides of Canada, Ottawa 68th - Sparks
Ontario junior section program information, events calendar, and fun activities.
Girl Guides of Canada, Valcartier 1st - Pathfinder
Quebec Guiding group. Includes programme information, calendar of events, contacts, and links.