Troop 109 - Black Hills, South Dakota
Offers information about the troop and its newsletters. Also features links to scouting related pages and ceremonies.
Troop 346 - Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Information on upcoming events, summer camp, and merit badges.
Troop 361- Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Information on troop leadership, various patrols, and news.
Troop 46 - Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Features a link to upcoming scheduled events and supplies meeting information.
Troop 53 - Rapid City, South Dakota
Current information annual calendars, along with features such as a guestbook.
Troop 731 - Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Features a meeting schedule and information on upcoming events.
Troop 75 - Mitchell, South Dakota
Introduction to the troop, with pictures and a list of troop activities.