Pack 119 - Champaign, Illinois
Includes pack calendar, pictures, introduction to troop leaders, and contact information.
Pack 13 - Bridgeview, Illinois
Information, calendar, what's news, and photos about the unit.
Pack 157 - Rockford, Illinois
An in-depth look at the pack, its leaders, and its members, along with photographs, newsletters, and links.
Pack 22 - Hampshire, Illinois
Features list of activities, schedules, directory of leaders, badge requirements, and related links.
Pack 31 - Bolingbrook, Illinois
Provides updates and information on upcoming events.
Pack 345 - Sandwich, Illinois
Offers basic information and an overview of past and future activities.
Pack 347 - Crystal Lake, Illinois
Includes pack calendar, links, and a description of the group.
Pack 3599 - Chicago, Illinois
Offers a history the pack, photographs, and information about its leaders and members.
Pack 476 - Morris, Illinois
Offers ews and pictures from the dens, Pinewood Derby information, and parents' forum.
Pack 507 - Lisle/Naperville, Illinois
Provides an introduction to scouting in general as well as the pack. Also includes a guide to outdoor gear.