A History of Australia Day
Explains the different significance of this day to Australians of European and Aboriginal descent, and suggests related activities for school kids.
About Australia Day
Providing information about how this event is celebrated, as well as a list of some things that make Australians proud.
Australia Day and General Australian Crafts
Provides a brief history, plus comments from young Australians about how they celebrate the holiday. Includes a number of ideas for simple crafts to reflect Australian nature and culture.
Australia Day Council
Celebrates the arrival of Europeans in 1778, as well as presenting history from the Aboriginal point of view. Includes information about the flag, and the words of the National Anthem.
Ideas for Families and Children to Celebrate
Features dozens of suggestions for activities, outings, and creative projects to mark the occasion.
National Australia Day: Fun and Games
Features a memory game and cartoons of Australian animals and people to print and colour in. Also includes a quiz to see how much you know about the country.
Wikipedia: Australia Day
This encyclopedia entry describes some of the celebrations as well the controversy that exists over the date and the event it commemorates.