Careless Whispers Forum, Christ Seekers, Christian Youth Aflame Forum,, Christian Forums,, God Loves You Teen Forum, OneGeneration Christian Teen Forum, Reaching For The Lord, Sloppy Noodle
For Girls, 2000 Teen Chat, A Place For Us To Dream, Bullying Alert Chat Room, Dee's Teen Talk, Elwood Online,, Habbohotel, i-teen,, Jewish Teen Central
Area 51 Yo-Yo Club, Dave's Yo-Yo Talk, Duncan Message Board, Mod Yoer, TheYo Forum, Yahoo Groups: Yo-Yos, Yo-Yo Web News, Yomania YoYo Forum
KidFu: The Way of the Kid
A fully monitored safe online community for kids, featuring kids chat, a kid-written magazine, bulletin boards, games, and junior jobs. Membership is required for full access.
Kids Online
Includes chat, message board, pager system, and search engine.
Kids' Turn Central
Safe, adult monitored chat room for kids under 16. Room is only open when monitor is available.
An educational and entertaining site for kids 4 to 12. Games, monitored chat, and a creation center.
Online Chat Network
Various chat rooms to choose from. Meet people from all over the globe.
Open Site Public Forum
Message board of the Open Encyclopedia Project. Offers social and topical discussions.
Young Programmers Network
Message boards, chat and information on various programming languages.
Nonprofit affiliated with Save the Children Federation, provides teens with a forum to express themselves and take action. Includes message boards and e-mail.