Chats and Forums
Christian, Homework, Music, Sports, Teens, Yo-Yos, CurvedSpace, hbzChat, KidFu: The Way of the Kid, Kids Online, Kids' Turn Central, KidsChatters, KidsCom, Online Chat Network, Open Site Public Forum, TeenTalk Central
Basics of Computing, Click-N-Learn, Computer Basics, Kids and Computers, Mrs. Cannons Computer Lab, Teach Me Computers
Safety, ABC's of the Internet, Beginners' Central, CenterSpan Internet Tutorial, ClassZone - Web Research Guide, Entertaindom, How to Bookmark a Page, Internet Detective, Internet Island,, Lollipop Cards
2 + 2, AT&T Labs Research, Games For Kids, Kids Domain Downloads, Kids Freeware, LittleFingers Software Online, Marianne Wartoft, Mister Matt, New Breed Software, Pocket Tutor
Web Page Design
CGI and Programming, Free Web Space Providers, Graphics, HTML, 10 Layout Rules, Create Your Own Web Page, html4kids, KittyCat Designs, Layout Land, Magitek Designs, So You Want to be a Webmaster..., Teen Developers, Teen Programmers Unite, The Isle Of HTML
Kids Domain Computer Connections
Computer lessons on topics such as hardware, programs, and files. Includes printable worksheets.