BankRate: Auto Loans, Advice, The Language of Leasing, Vehicle Repossession, What Can I Afford to Spend on a New Car?
AARP Reverse Mortgages, About Reverse Mortgages, All Regs, Articles by David Reed, Ask Mortgage Master, Borrower's Guide to Home Loans, Cancellation of Private Mortgage Insurance, Cities Commerce Corp., Decision Aide, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development
Personal, BankSITE Consumer Guide, Cosigning A Loan, Easy Credit? Not So Fast, Officials call payday financing "loan sharkin, Payday Loan Resource, Payday Loans = Costly Cash, Steps in availing a personal loan in the UK, The No-Equity Loan Trap, Worse than Loan-Sharking
Credit Scoring
How a creditor decides whether to grant credit. 1998 article from the Federal Trade Commission.
Gateway to US federal government loan information, including agriculture, disaster relief, education, housing and veteran loans.
Predatory Lending Sucks
In-depth article about predatory lenders and lending practices by home mortgage companies. Includes links to resources and news reports and 10 warning signs.