Convenience Fertilizers For Home Landscapes
Information on fertilizing shrubs and trees on home lanscapes.
Extremely Green Gardening Company
Online source for organic gardening products including fertilizers, biological pest control, soil test kits.
Fertilization of Lawns
Details the benefits of and how to fertilize lawns.
Fertilizer Application
Debates whether to fertilize with organic or inorganic products.
Fertilizer Registration and Penalties
The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services offers advice on the fertilizer penalty system.
Fertilizer Use
Articles discussing the uses of fertilizer on certain types of plant (in pdf format).
Fertilizer Use and Abuse
Discusses the uses of fertilizers.
Fertilizers for Container Crops
Explains the basics for fertilizing certain types of potplants.
Fertilizing Landscape Plants
Explains the necessities of fertilizing plants.
Fertilizing Woody Ornamentals
Explains the best way to fertilize these types of plants.
Island Lawn and Garden
Concise discussion about organic and inorganic fertilizing along with a number of lawn fertilization topics.
Lawn Talk
A range of lawn fertilizing articles beginning with "Choosing Fertilizers for Home Lawns".
MDS Harris Turf
A commercial soil-testing laboratory that provides soil and water testing as well as plant and tissue analysis for golf courses and athletic fields, as well as agronomic growers and dealers.
Nitrogen Fertilizer: Ammonium Nitrate
Detailed chemical factsheet about the properties of ammonium nitrate.
Nitrogen Fertilizer: Ammonium Sulfate
Factsheet offering information about ammonium sulfate.
Nitrogen Fertilizer: Diammonium Phosphate
Factsheet about the chemical properties of diammonium phosphate.
Nitrogen Fertilizer: Urea
Chemical information about the properties of urea.
Responsible Fertilizer Practices for Lawns
Outlines general fertilizer practices, nitrogen and phosphorus requirements, and application timing for lawns.
Soils and Soil Management
Offers a database and search function of a range of articles about fertilizers.
University of Maine Bulletin
Information on fertilizers to supplement nutrients in the soil.
Washington State Department of Agriculture
Information on products and their content of heavy metals, along with fertilizer laws and label requirements.