Beauty In the Bog
Provides information on how to create a moist garden from preparing the site to the planting plan.
Contains information on characteristics of the plant and wildlife in a bog. Describes the history and mining of bogs.
Bog Garden Forum
Offers a forum for the discussion of bog gardens.
Bog Garden's
Provides information on creating a bog garden by a pond or in other areas around a garden.
Bog Gardening
Contains information on how to grow a bog in the water garden.
Bog Home Page, The
Contains the definition of a bog and informational bog links.
Building A Sphagnum Bog Garden
Provides information on building a bog garden using sphagnum moss. Offers site location, materials and plants used.
Edible Pond And Bog Garden, The
Provides a list of plants that can be grown in ponds or boggy ground.
Garden Pond Plants
Learn how to select from 6 different types of water garden plants. The site includes rule of thumb estimates on quantities to use in any pond.
Garden Ponds
Offers information on bog plants, iris and cannas. Also offers planting and seasonal care and maintenance.
Making A Bog Garden
Provides information on creating a bog garden such as site selection, preparing, planting and care.
Planting A Water Garden
Offers information on planting a water garden.
Pond Plant, Aquatic Plant Exchange
Information about water gardens, water lilies, construction tips, and exchanges.