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American Bamboo Society
Information about the society and its chapters, uses and cultivation of bamboo in general and for individual species, glossary, and bibliography.
Bamboo Central
Older site of the Texas Bamboo Society, featuring some articles and event information not available on the official site.
Bamboo Society of Australia
Seeks to promote all aspects of bamboo interest in Australia. Information about membership, publications, bamboo mosaic virus, list of nurseries, and photo albums.
European Bamboo Society
Informal federation of national European bamboo societies, each of which has its own administration and membership. Links to the national societies and other bamboo resources, and hosts pages for societies without a separate website.
European Bamboo Society Switzerland
Aims to spread knowledge and tips about acquisition and cultivation, propagate new species, and exchange rarities. Information about events, newsletter, members, and Swiss gardens.
New Zealand Bamboo Society
Aims to promote the propagation and use of bamboo in sustainable ways. General information, news, members' sites, and photo page.
Southeast Chapter American Bamboo Society, Inc.
Organized for charitable, educational and scientific purposes. Presents educational programs, meetings, classes and maintains a lending library. Makes grants for publishing and research on bamboo.
Texas Bamboo Society
Chapter of the American Bamboo Society. Information about membership and events, online newsletter, and links to Texas vendors.
The Florida Caribbean Chapter of the American Bamb
Dedicated to educating the public on bamboos. Site features background and use information, tabular information on bamboo species, and list of plant sources and bamboo links.