Beatrix Farrand
A biography of a founder member of the American Society of Landscape Architects
Biographical index to garden designers
Indexed biographical notes on garden history: designers, writers, thinkers, patrons and others who have influenced gardens.
Carl Linnaeus
A biography of the founder of modern botany
Fletcher Steele Landscape Architect
Biographical information on the pioneer modernist designer, from the SUNY Faculty.
Frederick Law Olmsted
Resources concerning the life and works of Frderick Law Olmsted, the greatest of 19th century American landscape architects.
Frederick Law Olmsted, founder of landscape archit
The Life and Work of Frederick Law Olmsted. A selected bibliography and links to related sites.
History of Horticulture
Jekyll, Gertrude 1843-1935, short introduction to her life and work.
Museum of History Gertrude Jekyll Room
Garden designer and prolific writer on gardens and gardening with short biography.
Penelope Hobhouse Reaps What She Sows
An article about the English garden author and designer, from the Christian Science Monitor.
Sisley Garden Tours
An alphabetical directory of many gardening personalities down the ages.
Thomas Mawson
A brief biography of his life from 1861-1933. His book, The Art and Craft of Garden Making, is widely accepted as the foundation of modern landscape architecture.