Debbie's Tips For Attracting and Feeding Humm, Hummingbird Gardens, Hummingbird Highlights, New Jersey Audubon Society, Wildlife in My Backyard - Attracting Hummingbirds
Backyard Birding
Comprehensive site on gardening and feeding birds and creating wildlife habitats in your yard.
Backyard Wildlife Tips for Success
Describes tips for success in bird feeding, adding water, birds to expect and dealing with nuisance wildlife.
Bird Gardening - Stokes
Basics of bird gardening, plants, shrubs and best locations.
Birding Birdwatching and Wild Birds at
Birding information for people who watch wild birds. Includes checklists, types of birds, trip reports, backyard habitats, gardening tips and photos.
Birds 'N Gardens
Information on attracting birds to your yard, with flowers, plants, proper food, shelter, bird feeders and birdhouses.
How to Attracts Birds
Habitat, food and shelter information to attract birds to your yard.
Plants for Attracting Birds in Central NC
Notes on over 40 plants that attract birds and do well in the Piedmont of North Carolina, with a list of local sources.