Hummingbird, Backyard Birding, Backyard Wildlife Tips for Success, Bird Gardening - Stokes, Birding Birdwatching and Wild Birds at, Birds 'N Gardens, How to Attracts Birds, Plants for Attracting Birds in Central NC, Wild Birds for the 21st Century
Attracting Butterflies, Bloom's Butterfly Garden Basics, Butterflies and Butterfly Gardening in West Virgin, Butterfly and Bird Gardening, Butterfly and Hummingbird Gardening, Butterfly Garden Plant List, Butterfly Gardeners' Quarterly, Butterfly Gardening, Butterfly Gardening, Butterfly Gardening and Conservation
Backyard Rainforests Large or Small
A guide for beginners to plant selection and projects. Australia.
Backyard Wildlife Habitat
Guidelines for creating a backyard wildlife habitat. Topics cover backyard birding, butterfly gardening, attracting wildlife, and environmental issues.
Birds and Blooms
A magazine for bird, butterfly and garden lovers with online subscription, email tips list, pictures, contests and products to order.
Butterfly and Hummingbird Gardening -
Information on how butterflies and hummingbirds play a vital roles in keeping our environment healthy through their natural pollination process and why we should garden to keep them healthy.
Gardening for Wildlife
Information on native plant, bird, butterfly and wildlife gardening in Florida.
Gardening in the Rockies
Butterfly and hummingbird gardening using annuals. By Karen L. Panter, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Agent.
Leisa's Backyard Wildlife Habitat
Photographs and notes of wildlife that visit a certified backyard habitat including birds, butterflys, dragonflys, bugs, critters plus before and after pictures of habitat including flowers.
My Backyard Habitat
Describes how to create a backyard habitat, conservation measures, and photos of a certified Backyard Wildlife Habitat.
Rons Hedgehog Web Site
How to make your garden hedgehog freindly and how to attract them into your garden.
Space For Nature Wildlife Gardening Forum
Gardening for wildlife and the natural history of garden wildlife. Feature articles, calendar, news, links and galleries.
Texas Birdwatcher
Growing tips for planting a bird, hummingbird and butterfly garden in Zone 8. Pictures of plants, types and pictures of animals attracted and information on building a backyard pond.
The Butterfly WebSite Article List
Lists of articles from various publications about wildlife gardening.
The Wildlife Porch
Information to help you attract colorful wildlife, wild birds and butterflies to your small outdoor area, whether suburbia or city, stoop, patio, porch, balcony or deck.
Wild About Gardening
Canadian Wildlife Federation site about gardening for wildlife. Articles about attracting insects, birds, amphibians, and bats, plant selection, seasonal features, sources of native plants, and information about programs.
Wildlife Forever
Guidance and photographs on creating and maintaining a garden plot for wildlife.
Wildlife Gardening Adventures
Consulting business in Maryland offering advice, evaluation and design services for homeowners and organizations wishing to create a wildlife-friendly property using native plants. Information about services, schedule of events, and illustrated examples.
Articles on garden ecology and attracting wildlife to help you make your yard more "Earth-friendly". Suite 101 site.
Dedicated to wildlife gardening and conservation with information to attract wildlife.