Chats and Forums
30kidzandmom, Cabin Fever Parents, Dadstayshome Forums, Dallas Area Moms, DC Metro Dads, Dreaming Of Baby, eBay Moms at Home, Minnesota Dads at Home, Parents Universe, Parents Who Stay at Home
Articles, resources and activities at-home and homeschooling families. Includes worksheets, printables, tutorials, and e-zine.
Back To School Routine
Article about starting (and keeping) a back-to-school routine.
Family Friendly Jury Duty Legislation
Site for "family friendly jury duty legislation" for stay-at-home moms of young children and caregivers of disabled or elderly relatives.
Home with the Kids
Site featuring articles, discussion and information about staying at home and family finances.
Published by bestselling author Cheryl Gochnauer, offering articles, message forums and resources for stay at home parents.
Ideas 4 Room Moms
Site for "classroom moms" (classroom volunteers). Includes teacher gifts, class parties, crafts and ways to help teachers.
Mothers Ought To Have Equal Rights
A coalition of individuals and organizations working to improve the economic security of those who do caring work.
One Income Families
Offers financial advice and tips for families with one income.
Resources for Stay at Home Parents
Parenting is the most important and rewarding job in the world. Resources for stay at home moms and dads.
Stay-at-Home Parents from
Money management, home-based business advice, child care and educational information, stress reduction ideas.
The Stay-At-Home Parents Page
Support and encouragement for at-home parents, articles, books, budgeting and saving ideas, activities, and links.
Transitioning To Home
Articles and tips for making the transition from employment to stay at home mother or work at home mother, from Family and Home Network.