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Support Groups
Advocate 4 Child, Apraxia Kids, Behala Bodhayan- An Association of parents of the , Children's Disability Mailing Lists, Cleftnotes, CMV Support Group, Diana's Daycare Homesite, Education-A-Must Parent Support Group, Moms of ADHD Kids, Our Kids
Ability Online
A safe computer haven where kids and teens with disabilities can meet and share their interests.
About Parenting Special Needs
The starting place for exploring parenting special needs, from About.com.
About Potty Training Children with Special Needs
Learn about potty training children with special needs, such as autism and down syndrome, including signs of readiness and how to avoid resistance.
About Special Education
A resource for parents, teachers, and students.
About Stress in Childhood
Children experience stress just as adults do. But sometimes, its manifestations are different.
Americans With Disabilities Act Information
Americans With Disabilities Act Information
Angels Gather Here
Family raising 3 biological children,7 medically fragile adopted children and fostered 225.
Angels In Care
A place for children who are hurting emotionally, mentally or physically in which they can find love, hope, peace and joy within themselves and each other.
Autism Today
E-zine addressing the needs of families, teachers, and caregivers of individuals diagnosed with autism.
Bright Tots
Offers information on autism, pdd and aspergers.
Casa Center - Continuing Advancement for Special A
This site is for special needs children as adults.
Center for Infants and Children with Special Needs
The Center for Infants and Children with Special Needs at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center cares for children and young adults with significant chronic illness.
Child Care and the ADA
Child care centers rather privately or publicly operated must conform to ADA standards in order to meet the needs of special children.
Children First from the National PTA
A list of links to state and local PTAs and other child advocacy organizations.
Creative Perspectives, a different look at autism
Providing service to parents and families to help them with special needs autistic children. Offers programs to assist the children and parents to learn.
Devine Muscle Therapy
Offering craniosacral therapy, pfrimmer deep muscle therapy, thai yoga massage, swedish massage, and frequency energy work. Specializing in working with children with chronic conditions.
Disabled Parents Network
A UK based organisation of disabled people who are parents or who hope to become parents, their families and allies.
Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center Parents Networ
Parents of developmentally delayed children who are clients of the Easter Los Angeles Regional Center.
Exceptional Parent
Magazine for parents of children or young adults with disabilities. Includes reports, forum, products links, books.
Exceptional Resources Inc.
A provider of autism books, autism videos, and other autism, asperger syndrome and related resources.
Heads Up!
Information and helpful products for Occupational therapists, speech therapists, teachers and families with special needs children.
Helping Your Special Needs Child
Authors Sandy Tovray and Maria Wilson-Portuondo, both parents of special needs children, share their experiences and offer solid advice in Helping Your Special Needs Child.
Hints for Mothers of Many Children
Discusses general issues but also a section of disabled children and their siblings.
ICan Online
ICan Online is a well organized site that offers a tremendous amount of information to the disabled community.
Ideal Lives
Practical tips & web resources for special needs parents. We specialize in free resources and personlized "real life" solutions for families and the teachers & professionals who support them.
Impact of a Handicapped Child on the Family
From the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute and meant for teachers, but has information for parents too.
Kids Together, Inc.
Kids Together, Inc. is an all-volunteer non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Our goals include providing helpful information and resources to enhance the quality of life for children and adults with disabilities.
Life's Crooked Path
A mother's true story about parenting a child with disabilities.
Maggy Larsen Books
Encouragement for those raising difficult and challenged children.
Mothers From Hell 2
Facing disability issues with combustable humor & advocating for disability rights! MFH2 is a national group offering more support than a 44DD underwire and more empowerment than a tanker full of caffeine, chocolate & Viagra!
Mothers with Attitude
Humor and help for adoptive moms, special-needs moms, any old moms at all.
Our Kids
Information and support for parents and caregivers of children with special needs. Links to resources and affiliated web sites.
Parent Pals.com
Special education website focusing on parent and professional support for special needs children. Directory of articles and links contributed by parents and professionals.
Parent Training and Information Centers by State
Programs funded by the Office of Special Education Programs in the US Department of Education to help provide training and information to meet the needs of parents of children with disabilities living in the area served by the center.
Parenting From the Heart
A twice weekly newsletter devoted to all who are touched by children with special needs.
Parenting the Spirited Child
Classes for parents of a 3-7 year old who is spirited, oppositional, willful, aggressive, angry, or ADHD will want to learn about this exceptional class.
Parenting Toolbox
Provides articles with tips and information, as well as links to specific threads in the accompanying message boards.
Parents Exchange
An information, referral, and advocacy service for parents and caregivers of children with disabilities and professionals who work with our families.
Parents Helping Parents
Helping children with special needs receive the love, hope, respect and services they need to achieve their full potential by strengthening their families and the professionals who serve them.
Parents of a Child with Special Needs
Links to resources and information for caregivers and parents of children with special needs.
Parents with Disabilities Online
Information, support and products for parents who have disabilities.
Partners Resource Network
Purpose is to empower parents of children and youth with disabilities in their roles as parents, decision makers, and advocates for their children.
PSP (Parents Supporting Parents)
Support group where parents of children with special needs support other parents with special needs children,organise fun days and trips for these children and their siblings. We invite speakers to meetings in the past these have included experts from many different fields.
Schwab Foundation for Learning
Services for parents and educators to provide information, support and resources to improve the lives of students with learning differences.
Single Parent Central - Childcare & Children w
An overview of the accommodations childcare centers and home-based centers must make for disabled children under the American With Disabilities Act.
SNAP wants to promote awareness and acceptance of children with special needs, especially the physically challenged.
Social Workers' Perceptions of Older Parents
Social work student paper. Includes some links.
Special Child
Provides educational resources and emotional support to parents and care-givers of children, adolescents, and young adults with disabilities.
Special Families Guide
Articles and answers to questions from Robert Naseef, Ph.D. on parenting a child with a disability.
Special Mommy Chronicles
"Special Mommy Chronicles" is a weekly column by a Special Needs mom to Special Needs parents.
Special Needs
Support site for the disabled, chronically ill, and the people who care for them.
Special Needs News
News and information of interest to families of children and adults with special needs in the Security, Widefield, Fountain, and Colorado Springs, Colorado area.
Special People, Special Planning
Special People, Special Planning is a special needs planning book on how to create a lifelong plan for special needs children and a disabled family member.
Tamarack Reading Pages
A commercial site that offers reading books for beginning readers with special needs. A sight word reading system is designed to improve reading skills.
Ten Commandments of Etiquette
The Empowerment Zone offers tips for communicating with those who have special needs.
The Arc's Q&A on Child Care
Child Care Settings and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Know your rights.
The Bible's Way to Victory over ADHD and Othe
This free online book provides sound answers on preventing and overcoming behavioral, emotional and learning problems, including ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), Conduct Disorder and Tourette's Syndrome.
The Learning Disabled Child and the Home
Discusses various issues such as fathers, siblings, discipline.
The Little Prince
Articles, resources, and links to therapists and treatment programs.
The Prevention News
Newsletter published by Peter Leibert for Arc-California chapters and their members, focusing on issues related to the prevention of mental retardation and other disabilities.
Tips for the Teacher
From The ADHD Owner's Manual, tips for teachers who are teaching children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD.
TRI Online! Parent Advocacy
A place for information and resources for parents of children with disabilities, education, transition and school-to-work issues.
Westchester ARC
We serve people who have developmental disabilities and their families.