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Chats and Forums
Canadian Foster Parent, Foster Care Connection, Foster Parenting
BC Federation of Foster Parent Association, Boulder County Foster Parent Association, Colorado State Foster Parent Association, Connecticut Association of Foster and Adoptive Par, Edmonton Foster and Family Support, Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association, , Foster Care Association New South Wales Inc, KIDS Inc. of Lake County Foster/Adoptive Parent As, Lutheran Child and Family Services of Michigan, Montgomery County Foster Parent Association
A Foster Parent? Who? Me?!
Article by Patti Swoboda written for people considering becoming foster parents. Provides many points to consider.
Canadian Foster Parent
A resource guide for foster parents to access information and to network with other caregivers around the world. Find links to chat with other caregivers and become a member of a fostercare listserv.
Casey Family Programs
Source of information, technical assistance, written materials and referrals to both resource families and child welfare professionals who work with them.
Foster and Kinship Care Education
Provides training, support, licensing and independent living skills classes for foster parents and others caring for children in out-of-home placements. Site includes information about services, news and contact details.
Foster Parenting - Getting Started
If you are just starting out in your quest to become a foster parent, there are some available links to nationwide fostering agencies.
Fostering Love
Patterns to sew for foster children and agencies. Hats, duffel bags, bandanas are a few of the patterns here.
Fostering New Zealand Style
Foster care information with links for over 200 resources. Advocacy, Legal, Medical, Behavioural, ADHD, and RAD aspects are covered.
American site with information on becoming a foster parent, general child care information, and special instructions for foser parents. Includes a support area with a chat room, message boards, and e-pals.
Is Foster Parenting For You?
Article by Jeffrey Silla, an experienced foster parent, shares experiences and encouragement for those who are considering the experience of foster parenting.
Kids in Care
Australian site helping parents, caregivers, and foster parents with ideas, forums, recipes, and information.
Lifting the Veil: Child Welfare, Foster Care, Juv
A comprehensive look at the Child Protective Services, Foster Care, and Juvenile Justice systems. Testimony, studies, and reform efforts are examined.
A learning organization committed to the continuous development of its employees in order to provide optimal care for our foster children, and a solid support network for our foster families.
Real Facts About Foster Care
Are agencies undercutting those entrusted to care for our most vulnerable? Parenting is work, and deserves society's support and undergirding.
Staying with Grandma
The challenges faced by relative caregivers; grandparents caring for foster children. Published by Action Alliance for Children.
The Foster/Adopt Experience
Suite101.com - A description of the process involved in being a foster and/or adoptive parent.
There is No Such Thing as Too Attached
Suite101.com - A personal essay about the attachments formed as a foster parent.