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Babycenter's Dads Page
Includes topics ranging from making the baby, keeping your friends with a new baby, to planning and saving for college.
Being a dad guide from Bounty
A guide on fatherhood, pregnancy, finances, benefits, work, health and relationships
Fatherhood advice, news and reviews for new dads and dads-to-be.
Daddy Types
Weblog for new dads.
Daddy Types: A Weblog for New Dads
Gear, books, reviews, advice, humor, and first-hand accounts for and by new dads. "Dad-friendly perspectives in the baby-making and -raising world."
Dr. Sears' Fathering Resources
Fathering resources from Dr. Sears, author of many popular child care books.
Father To Be...
Exploring the events and emotions of pregnancy from a father-to-be's perspective. Sections include a calendar, new developments, and a story section for anyone to send in their experiences.
Fathers' Forum Online
The online resource for expectant and new fathers.
La Pa's - Transformations of Fatherhood
Articles and discussions about the struggles of new fathers balancing work, family, and intimate relations.
New dad comments on parenthood, New York City, and other topics of personal interest.
New Dads
Together with their infants, somewhat experienced Dads offer advice to new Fathers. Uses bootcamp comparison.
ParentStages.com - New Dads
Advice and tips for new dads, with links to several articles on the stages of child development.
An article titled "When Men Become Fathers".
Sons to Dads
A site for new dads that answers the questions that you don't know how to ask about newborn babies, baby care, mothers, and fathers.
What About Dad?
Fact sheet to help families meet the challenges of modern day parenting. Offered by the Ohio State University Extension Service.