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Angel Twin Moms
A list for parents who have lost one or more of their multiples to get support.
Army Mom of Twins
This mom runs a list for those whose families are in the military and have twins.
Attachment Parenting Multiples
A list for parents who are interested in Attachment Parenting their twins, triplets, quads or more.
Boy And Girl Twins
A mailing list for parents with boy/girl twins.
Double Blessings
An email list and message board for those with twins, triplets, quadruplets or higher order multiples. Message archives available to members.
Gay or Lesbian With Twins
A list for any gay or lesbian parents with twins, triplets or other multiples.
Identical Boys
A list for parents of identical boy twins to chat.
IVF Twins
A list for anyone who has gone through IVF (In-vitro Fertilization) and become pregnant with twins.
Mommies of Multiple Birth Babies
A place to talk about the good and bad about parenting multiples.
Mothers of Multiples
A list designed for women pregnant with twins, triplets or higher order multiples.
Mothers of Twins/Muliples
A place to get support for parents of twins and multiples.
Multiple Births
This group is designed for families who have multiples or are expecting multiples (twins, triplets and more).
Multiples Advice and Insight
Congratulations, your babies are here. How are you coping? If you've been there, post some ideas and solutions on what worked for you.
Pregnant With Twins
Started by a 15 year old pregnant with twins.
School Age Twins
A support group for parents who have school aged twin children.
Seeing Double, or Triple...Help!
Get advice and information from other parents of twins, triplets or even more kids.
Special Circumstances
If you are expecting, or have, multiples and have come across special circumstances (TTTS or disability), get advice and information here.
Special Needs Twins
A list for anyone that has twins or multiples where one or more has special needs.
Teen Parents to Two Or More
If you're a teen parent of twins or higher multiples, join this list for support.
The Crazy Minds of Mommies
For those expecting and parenting twins. [Membership Approval Required]
Triplets E-Mail List
An active and long-running e-mail discussion group for parents of triplets or other higher order multiples.
Triplets Under 3
For families with triplets under the age of 3 to share information and chat.
Twin Mommies
A mailing list for anything and everything related to pregnancy, birth and raising twin children.
Twin Moms
A list for moms of twins or higher order multiples.
Twin Mothers
Join this list to meet other twin moms and share tips.
A bulletin board for parents of multiple birth children.