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Sara and Jeremy
Couple in Indiana interested in open adoption offer pictures and information about their lives.
Scott and Janet
Dear Birthparent Letter from a couple interested in open adoption.
Scott and Sandy
Information and photos of an Indiana couple hoping to adopt through open adoption.
Scotty and Esther
Georgia family waiting for a little addition to our family.
Shane and Samantha
Georgia couple wishes to start a family through open adoption. Includes numerous pictures.
Photos as well as information about her work, values, family, friends, and neighborhood.
Shawna and Barry
Photos and Dear Birthmother letter from musical Midwestern family hoping to adopt.
Sherri and Stuart
Birthmother and husband hoping to adopt an infant.
Steve and Jacqueline
Dear Birthmother letter and photos presented by a California couple hoping to adopt.
Steve and Stephanie
Dear Birthmother letter, photos, family information and contact details from a Northern California couple interested in adopting a newborn.
Sue and Jeff
Brief message from a Michigan couple seeking to adopt a newborn.
Dear Birthmother Letter from a New York designer of children's clothing.
Susan and Demyn
Dear Birthmother Letter and pictures from this California couple interested in open adoption.