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Randy and Twyla
Letter with many pictures from a married waiting adoptive couple in Tennessee to prospective Birth Parents. They share lots of information about their past, lifestyle, and dreams of how they would parent a baby.
Ray and Donna
Christian couple seeking to adopt their first child through open adoption.
Richard and Cora
Photos and a Dear Birthmother letter from a family of three looking to adopt a baby girl.
Rick and Martina
General information about an Arizona couple hoping to adopt a second child.
Rick and Toni
Christian family wanting to adopt a baby from any country.
Rick and Vickie
Virginia couple hopes to add to their family through open adoption. Site includes Dear Birthmother letter, photos of themselves and their son.
Robert and Karen
Presents information about a Christian family looking to adopt an infant through an open or semi-open domestic adoption. Wedding and home photos are included.
Robin and Jay
Photo album, Dear Birthmother letter and profile of a couple looking to start a family in the Pacific Northwest by adopting a newborn baby.
Roger and Brenda
Features information about the couple's family, friends, home and careers.
Ron and Kristen
California couple hoping to adopt a newborn through open adoption. Includes pictures and information about their daughter.
Ryan and Susan
Profile of an Indiana couple looking to become first-time parents through open adoption.