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Adopting Parents
Listing, information and photos of approved couples at the Adoption Law Center of Beverly Hills.
Adoption Online
A searchable directory of families who wish to adopt. Includes some basic adoption information and links to resources.
Adoption Tree
Features profiles, with photos, and a list of available services.
Adoption Web Link
Photo profiles of couples looking to adopt.
Photo listing with links to websites of waiting parents hoping to adopt.
Baby to Adopt
Features links to personal pages by families interested in adoption.
Dear Birthmother
Letters to birthmothers from adoptive parents. Includes contact details and links.
Dear BirthMothers Letters Web Ring
Ring of sites featuring families who are waiting to adopt a baby or child.
DearBirthmother.com: Adoptive Parents
Short profiles and links to websites belonging to couples and individuals looking to adopt.
Online registry for adoptive families.
Letters to Birthparents
Directory of letters from prospective adoptive parents hoping to connect with birthparents.
Lifetime: Adoptive Families
Profiles, with photos, of families looking to adopt.
Luv 4 Adoption
Profiles of hopeful adoptive couples and families.
Minnesota Adoption
Searchable database of potential adoptive parents in Minnesota, United States.
Parent Profiles
Presents list of couples, families and individuals who are interested in adoption.
The Link
List and information about various couples waiting to adopt through private open adoption.