Center for Environmental Quality
Free information on common water quality problems and treatment techniques.
CFD Publications
Simply Prepared, a best selling book in Houston for two years, and Pantry Cooking, 350 recipes using only storable food.
Dehydrator Recipes and Resources
Dehydrator recipes and resources. Collection of free stories to save you time and money. Free weekly newsletter.
Food Safety After a Tornado
Preparations to take to ensure safe food and water in the event of a storm. How to purify water, foods to keep or discard, and cooking without power.
Food Storage FAQ
How to prepare foods for long term storage, for survival purposes or for extended shelf life, by Alan T. Hagan.
Lifewater Canada
Drinking water well drilling & handpump training manual. Visitors are encouraged to print and disseminate this free information.
Water Storage and Purification
Information on why water storage and purification is necessary and how to do it.