eLook Recipes: Irish
Includes recipes for Beef and Stout Casserole, County Cork Irish Stew, and Parsnip and Apple Soup.
Easy Irish recipes for stews, breads, potato dishes, sweets, and Irish coffee.
Food writer Ernie Whalley's opinions and recipes for anyone who enjoys "the grub, the grape and the grain."
International Recipes: Ireland
Small collection of recipes submitted by users, such as oatbread, soda bread, Irish coffee, and potato soup.
Irish and international Food and Drink
Contains a comprehensive list of Irish and international food sites, an interactive cookbook, food chat and features.
Irish Cook
Recipes and feature articles from Margaret M. Johnson, writer of topics dealing with the food and drink of Ireland.
Irish Food And Recipes
About thirty recipes ranging from Pea Soup With Mint, to Limerick Ham.
Irish Kitchen
Traditional and nouvelle recipes from food writers Darina Allen, Margaret Johnson, and other chefs.
Irish Recipes at RecipeSource.com
More than a hundred recipes from Abie's Irish Stew to Wicklow Pancake.
Irish Recipes from CountryKitchen.com
Traditional Irish recipes from appetizers to drinks, including Colcannon, Champ, Boxty Potatoes.
Irish Recipes from Ireland's Eye
Simple recipes for many traditional favourites.
Irish Recipes from Recipezaar
Recipes by course, ingredient, or preparation, with nutritional information.
Kirwilli's Kitchen
"Traditional working class food". Recipes and reminiscences from an ex-pat in Australia.
A dozen recipes such as stews, Dill Cabagge Potatoes, and Irish Colcannon, from Better Homes and Gardens.
Traditional Irish Recipes from Ballymoney
A compact collection.