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Baked Cherimoya
Vegan recipe from Recipe Cottage.
Bananas Faustos with Cherimoya Salsa
Recipe from Food Network.
All about the exotic cherimoya fruit from growing to eating, including recipes.
Information page. Includes serving suggestions.
Cherimoya and Peach Soup
Includes pineapple, orange, and lemon juice.
Cherimoya Fruit Facts
Fact sheet from California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc.
Cherimoya Recipes
A small collection of recipes for this rare fruit.
Cherimoya Sherbet
Made with orange and lime juice.
Cherimoya Tropical Soup
Made with cherimoya, mango, apple juice, milk, honey, and cinnamon.
Cherimoya-Orange Parfait
Made with whipping cream and sour cream.
Cherimoya-Papaya Smoothie
Recipe from The Produce Corner with Bob Corey.
Cupid's Cherimoya Salad
Includes avocado, oranges, grapefruit, red onion, and pomegranate, and a dressing with orange juice, lime juice, and honey.
Custard Apple Recipes
Australian collection of recipes fo atemoya or custard apple.
Five Cherimoya Recipes
Includes a sauce, bread and salad dressing.