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About.com Men's Fashion Tips and Advice
Offers articles, advice and related links.
Askmen.com: Fashion Tips
Fashion and style articles for men, including AskMen's fashion tip of the week.
Fabric for Bachelors
Series of articles on the basics of modern clothing, and the proper selection of garments and footwear.
Offers tips on tying neckties, ironing shirts, cleaning clothes and caring for shoes.
Manolo for the Men
Manolo the Shoeblogger dispenses advice to men on fashion, etiquette, and life.
Men Only: Fashion Tips
Features dressing tips and general etiquette advice.
Men's Health: Style
Fashion fundamentals, casual and office wear, grooming and advice column.
Men's Wearhouse: Guy'dLines
Offers various fashion articles. Has animated tutorials on how to tie four necktie knots.
Modern Man: Modern Clothes
Articles on wardrobe building and dress codes. Link to discussion forum.
Contains advice on fashion, relationships and grooming.
So You Wanna Dress Better?
Step-by-step article for fashion rules.
The Executive's Closet: a Portal for Men&apos
Offers fashion advice based on body type and individual season.
Tuxedo Shirts
While sponsored by shirtmakers, this site reviews the different types of shirts for formal occasions.
What Can I Wear?
Providing information to men on dressing.