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AAP - Child Health Month
Concise but fully footnoted factsheet on secondhand smoke and its effects on adults and children.
AAP - Environmental Tobacco Smoke: A Danger to Chi
Short discussion from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Association of Pediatric Dental Caries with Passiv
Research finds that children exposed to secondhand smoke get more cavities.
Breast-feeding and Secondhand Exposure to Cigarett
Measures infants' exposure from maternal smoking.
Childhood asthma
"Half the cases of early childhood asthma are due to secondhand cigarette smoke".
Children and Secondhand Smoke
Online pamphlet from the Canadian Cancer Society.
Children at Risk from ETS
Young children and unborn infants are more vulnerable than adults to genetic damage from secondhand smoke, and exposures during early development increase the risk of cancer later in life, according to a study at Columbia University.
Clinical Briefs - American Family Physician, July
Secondhand smoke is associated with increased illnesses in children, including lower respiratory disease, middle ear effusion, asthma and sudden infant death syndrome. One study found that the overall cancer risk was greater for individuals exposed to environmental tobacco smoke during both childhood and adulthood than for individuals with a history of exposure during only one of those periods.
Custody Judge Bans Smoking Near Child
A judge has barred smoking in the presence of an 8 year old girl, citing the scientific evidence of the effects of secondhand smoke.
Dr. Spock: Secondhand Smoke and Children's He
Summary of effects of secondhand smoke on children.
Education For Change: Second Hand Smoke and its Ef
List of problems that parental smoking causes in the fetus and child, from a provider of smoking-cessation and SIDS-prevention services.
Effects of ETS on Children
Excerpted from EPA report, published by the National Conservation Guild, as part of their indoor air quality issues series.
Effects of Restaurant Smoking Regulations on Child
Research finds that strong local restaurant smoking regulations reduce the amount of secondhand smoke that children are exposed to.
Effects of Secondhand Smoke on Asthma in Children
Research finds that firsthand and secondhand smoke causes about 15% of asthma in North Carolina children.
Environmental Exposure to Tobacco Smoke Increases
Summary of research findings as of 2002.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Children
Factsheet summarizes the effects.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Respiratory Health
Review of a critical review and analysis of the scientific literature from 1969 to 1998.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke: A Hazard to Children
Policy statement and report from the American Academy of Pediatrics, April 1997. Goes well beyond the EPA report. Updated bibliography covers the research.
Federal Report on Kids at Risk from Passive Smokin
GASP of Colorado Education Center summarizes recent research estimating number of kids exposed to secondhand smoke and its effets on their health.
Fetal Nicotine or Cocaine Exposure: Which One is W
Research article compares measured effects of prenatal exposure to the substances.
Fetus May Be Harmed by Second-Hand Smoke
Summary of recent research.
Growing up in Smoke is dangerous
Children are Passive Smokers, and by the millions.
KIISS - Kids Involuntarily Inhaling Secondhand Smo
Educates parents on keeping their homes and cars smoke free for their children's health. News, articles, and stories on health effects of secondhand smoke; sign up for mailed information. Features a "share your story" section.
Nicotine's Double Link to Cot Death
New research suggests that tobacco products cause SIDS in two different ways: disrupting a baby's breathing, and disrupting neural circuits.
NRDC Pro: Our Children At Risk - Chapter 6
Secondhand smoke is an environmental health risk.
Passive Smoke "Ruins Child Teeth"
Children growing up in a house filled with cigarette smoke are likely to need more visits to the dentist, say researchers.
Passive Smoke Damage to Children Measured
Children who were exposed to secondhand smoke had much higher levels of chemicals in their blood which suggested their blood vessel walls could already be under attack, recent research finds.
Passive Smoking and Children
Report of an international academic symposium held on August 24-25th, 1998, at the Medical School of Essen University, Germany.
Passive smoking and children: analysis of hazards
Summary of an international symposium on health damages to kids from tobacco smoke. Provided in English and German languages.
Passive Smoking: The Impact On Children
ASH-UK report pulls together the latest research to assess how much secondhand smoke children are exposed to, the diseases that this is causing in children, the public awareness of these facts, and educational and policy strategies to reduce this harm.
Pediatric Advisor 10.0: Passive (Involuntary) Smok
Short summary emphasizes the near-term effects.
Poorer Lung Function Among Children Exposed to The
Report on recent research.
Second Hand Smoke & Kids
Second hand smoke is a major cause of children's illness -- yet 85% of adults who smoke and who live with a child do not ensure that the child is not exposed to the smoke from their cigarettes. Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada provides background and research details.
Second Hand Smoke in Pregnancy
Secondhand smoke can hurt unborn babies
Secondhand Smoke
Looks at the facts on exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke and the development of asthma and other diseases in children.
Secondhand Smoke & Children
A physician newsletter gives a short treatment to the topic.
Secondhand Smoke Affects Baby
Medical column provides answer to question about whether secondhand smoke could affect a baby.
Secondhand Smoke and Childhood Illness and Disease
Effect of prenatal and childhood exposure to secondhand smoke.
Secondhand Smoke and Children
American Academy of Otolaryngology public service brochure. What secondhand smoke does to: the fetus and newborn; children's lungs and respiratory tracts; the ears.
Secondhand Smoke and Children
Articles and factsheets on secondhand smoke and children.
Secondhand Smoke and Children
Pamphlet on effects of secondhand smoke on children, from the American Academy of Otolarlyngology.
Secondhand Smoke and Your Family
American Lung Association on secondhand smoke. Effects of secondhand smoke on children, and information on how you can protect them.
Secondhand Smoke Blunts Learning
An estimated 13 million children in the US are exposed to enough tobacco smoke to affect their learning; report summarizes.
Secondhand Smoke Delays Tooth Growth in Children
Research shows that secondhand smoke slows development of the child's permanent teeth.
Secondhand Smoke Increases Complications in Childr
Research finds hat children with sickle cell disease who are exposed to tobacco smoke in the home have more complications from the disease than those who live in a smokefree environment.
Secondhand Smoke May Cause Cavities in Children
Children whose parents smoke are more likely to develop dental cavities, according to recent research.
Secondhand Smoke May Cause Early Lung Damage in Ch
Recent research finds that exposure to secondhand smoke in healthy male adolescents is associated with lung function impairment independently of the effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy.
Secondhand Smoke Snuffs Health of Children
Article on program to encourage parents to protect kids from secondhand smoke.
Smoking Mom; A Possible Cause of Asthma in Childre
What makes this study of 4,331 kids different from other studies is that while previous studies have found that exposure to smoke can worsen asthmatic symptoms, this study says passive smoke can cause asthma.
The ABCs of Secondhand Smoke: A Training Module fo
Factual information for child care providers about secondhand smoke.
Tobacco Smoke Affects Unborn Babies
Factsheet from Ottawa-Carleton Health Department.
WHO Report on Tobacco Smoke and Child Health
1999 report summarizes the effects of secondhand smoke on children.
WHO: Children and Secondhand Smoke
Tobacco Free Initiative, International Consultation on Environmental Tobacco, Smoke (ETS) and Child Health, Geneva Switzerland. Extensive summary of the research, exposure levels, effects.