About Hearing Loss
Articles about various aspects of hearing loss, such as unilateral hearing loss, types and degrees of hearing loss, mild hearing loss, and sudden deafness.
Ali's Hearing Loss Support Page
Stories, updates, FAQs, and research on hearing loss and cochlear implants.
American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association
A membership based nonprofit association made up of professionals and interested persons promoting and participating in support services and rehabilitation delivery for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.
American Society for Deaf Children
ASDC is an national, independent non-profit organization whose purpose is providing support, encouragement, and information to families raising children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Auditory Verbal Training & Consultation
Training workshops for professionals to become auditory verbal therapists and consultations for parents of deaf and hard-of-hearing children, so that these children learn to hear, listen, speak.
BUPA Factsheets: Hearing Loss
Concise factsheet explaining the causes, symptoms and treatment of hearing loss.
Cameroon Deaf Empowerment Organisation
A non-profit organization whose aim is to promote the self-reliance and independence of the deaf population in Cameroon.
Cave Page
Information and advocacy for people interested in hard of hearing children, mild and moderate hearing.
Center for Hearing and Balance
Clinical information pertaining to auditory and vestibular studies. Located at Johns Hopkins University.
Cochlear Implant Online
Information about Cochlear Implants and the experience of having an implant.
Communications Forum
A charity which promotes initiatives for people with communication impairment, working with its members to raise awareness of the barriers faced by people with communication disabilities.
Deaf Church News and Views
Deaf Church News and views - an interactive site for Deaf UK Christians.
Deaf Empowerment
This foundation fosters a more productive life for members of the Deaf / Hard of Hearing Communities primarily for residents of the Fox Valley area of Wisconsin.
Deaf Women United, Inc.
An organization by, of, and for Deaf women which focuses on advocacy, education and outreach.
An expansive resource for Deaf and hearing children to learn together online, in English, French, American Sign Language, and Langue des Signes Québécoise.
Hearing Loss Web
Hearing Loss Web is a comprehensive site for hard of hearing, late deafened, and oral deaf persons. It focuses on events, issues, support, and technology of interest to these people.
Charity providing advice, information and useful equipment to assist deaf and hard of hearing people overcome problems associated with hearing loss. Mostly for UK residents.
Info to Go, Gallaudet University
Formerly the National Information Center on Deafness, is a centralized source of accurate, up-to-date, objective information on topics dealing with deafness and hearing loss in the age group of 0-21.
John Tracy Clinic
Provides, worldwide and without charge, parent-centered services to young children with a hearing loss, to help them learn to communicate. Services include audiological testing, parent/infant programs, parent classes, a preschool, and a correspondence course. Also offers inservice training, distance learning and a graduate degree program in deaf education.
Learn to Talk Around the Clock
The Learn To Talk Around The Clock program is an oral, early intervention program designed for professionals to use with parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing, birth to three years old.
Medicinenet.com: Hearing Loss and Older Adults
A physician produced listing of health information about hearing loss and communications disorders.
National Fraternal Society of the Deaf
Run by Deaf and Hard of Hearing people, this organization works in the area of life insurance and advocacy for the Deaf.
Resources for the Hearing Impaired
Global Leader for enriching communication between the Hearing and the Hearing Challenged by providing products, seminars and services.
Rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Provides information on the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on people with hearing loss.
Royal Association for Deaf People
Information, advice and services for deaf adults and children including links to international deaf organisations.
Self Help for Hard of Hearing People
The largest organization in the US for persons who are hard of hearing.
Self Help for Hard of Hearing People
A California membership and advocacy organization for people with hearing loss. Devoted to the welfare and interests of those who cannot hear well.
Shea Center for Ears, Hearing and Balance
Provides information and online feedback pertaining to the diagnosis and treatment for diseases of the ear and their related structures.
The Canadian Hearing Society
Provides services that enhance the independence of deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people, and that encourage prevention of hearing loss.
Where do we go from Hear?
Support to parents of deaf and hard of hearing children. Information on hearing loss, deafness, communication.