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Ectopic Pregnancy
Advanced Infertility Center of Chicago - Ectopic P, An Ectopic Pregnancy: The Failure Of My IUD, Ectopic Pregnancy, Ectopic Pregnancy Foundation, Ectopic Pregnancy Trust, Ectopic Pregnancy: American Pregnancy Association, eMedicine Health: Ectopic Pregnancy, Eric Daiter MD - Ectopic Pregnancy, General Encyclopedia - Ectopic Pregnancy, Laparoscopic Images of Ectopic Pregnancy
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
A Preventable Tragedy, Active Learning: Bridging the Gap for Fetal Alcoho, Alcohol and Pregnancy Don't Mix, Alcohol During Pregnancy, Alcohol Related Birth Injury Resource Site, Crime Times, Fact Sheet - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, FAS - Implications for Correctional Services, FAS - State of Alaska DHSS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome , FAS Alaska: Project Facts
Obstetric Fistula
Fistula Hospital, Love, Labor, Loss - A Documentary Film, MaterCare International (MCI) - Obstetric Fistula, NYTimes.com - Alone and Ashamed, NYTimes.com - Scholars Argue Over Legacy of Surgeo, Rectovaginal Fistula Information, The Trauma of Childbirth, The Worldwide Fund for Mothers Injured in Childbir, UNFPA.org - Campaign To End Fistula, UNFPA.org - Addressing Obstetric Fistulas
High-Risk Pregnancy - Amniotic Fluid Problems, Institute for Advanced Medical Education: Oligohyd, Oligohydramnios, Oligohydramnios: When Amniotic Fluid is Too Low, The Cochrane Library, The Cochrane Library
Placenta Previa
Diagnosis of Placenta Previa by Transvaginal Ultra, Maternal and Neonatal Outcome in Major Placenta Pr, Mommyguide.com's Plaenta Previa Page, My Little Angel was Born, Placenta Previa, Placenta Previa, Placenta Previa & Placenta Accreta, Placenta Previa (About.com), Placenta Previa More Common with Birth of Male Bab, Yahoo! Health - Placenta Previa
Placental Abruption
Abruptio Placentae, Abruptio Placentae from Emergency Medicine, Case Histories - Placental Abruption, Perinatal Institute: Placental Abruption, Placental Abruption, Placental Abruption Increases Risk of Stillbirth A, Risk Assessment for Placental Abruption
AAPEC - Australian Action on Pre Eclampsia, Action on Pre-eclampsia (APEC) Home Page, Facts about Preeclampsia, Preeclampsia, Preeclampsia Foundation, Prevention of Preeclampsia/Toxemia/HELLP, the Pre-e place
Support Groups
Chats and Forums, Anencephaly Support Foundation, Antenatal Results and Choices - ARC, Birth Trauma Association, Blooming Awful, Ectopic Pregnancy Trust, Incompetent Cervix Support Group, North Queensland Post-Natal Distress Support Group, Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Support, Post-Natal Depression Support Association of South, Postpartum Hemorrhage Survivors
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction
Active Birth Centre: Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (, Association of Radical Midwives: My Pelvis and I, Baby Centre: Pelvic Pain (SPD), Babyworld: Pelvic Joint Pain (Symphysis Pubis Dysf, British DSP Support Group - Pelvic Dysfunction Inf, For Patients: Advice For Women Who Have Symphysis , National Childbirth Trust: Symphysis Pubis Dysfunc, Pelvic Pain (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction), Separation of the Symphysis Pubis - Understanding , Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction
Vasa Previa
The International Vasa Previa Foundation, What is Vasa Previa
offering a list of common pregnancy complaints and solutions.
Bleeding During Pregnancy
Patient education on the causes of bleeding during pregnancy, offered in both English and Spanish.
Blunt Abdominal Trauma During Pregnancy
The major causes of maternal injury are vehicular accidents, falls, and penetrating objects.
Common Problems of Pregnancy
Concise factsheet on pregnancy. Also available in Adobe Acrobat format.
Fetal Treatment Program
Offers fetal surgery and other treatment for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, gastroschisis, omphalocele, and other fetal defects, at Women and Infants' Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island. A joint venture of several regional medical centers. Includes information and links about conditions treated.
Group B Streptococcus Infections
News, Medline and links to articles about this infection in relation to newborn babies and pregnant women.
High Risk Pregnancy
Message board for women who are experiencing complications.
Hydatidiform Mole
Explanation of a rare mass or growth that may form inside the uterus at the beginning of a pregnancy.
Hydrops Fetalis
Medical report on two consecutive pregnancies with this diagnoses, as well as intrauterine growth retardation and Dysmorphic Syndrome.
Impact of Short Hospital Stays on the Health and S
Infants discharged and sent home from the hospital within 30 hours of birth are more likely to die within 28 days of birth, and nearly twice as apt to die during the first year of life than newborns sent home later.
Itchy Moms
Information about ICP and its risks and complications, includes a definition, symptoms and treatment.
Keep Kids Healthy
Discusses the benefits and risks of flu shots during pregnancy.
MAD (Mothers and Diabetes)
UK based site providing help and support for diabetic patients who are considering having a family.
Management of Chronic Hypertension During Pregnanc
Article discussing treatment, possible complications, and monitoring techniques.
Medical Risks of Epidural Anaesthesia during Child
This site explores the risks undertaken when choosing an epidural for pain management.
Information about various complications of pregnancy.
Obstetric Diseases and Conditions
General Practice Notebook, offering a list of complications and information on each.
Prematurity Problem (Perinatal Research Center)
Addresses preterm delivery and possible causes.
Save Babies
Offering information about screening choices, and state requirements. Includes resource library, and links to testing facilities.
StorkNet's Pregnancy Complications Center
Support and information for parents.
Tommy's Campaign
Help prevent premature birth, miscarriage and stillbirth. Healthy pregnancy hints, toxoplasmosis, pre-eclampsia, and problem pregnancy are covered by this UK charity.
Uterine Rupture
A daughter tells of her Mother's experience with this disorder, her delivery, and a prescribed drug called Cytotec.
White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood
Raising international awareness about the nearly 600,000 women who die each year pregnancy-related complications, worldwide.