Amherstburg Fire Department
Consists of three stations, composed of volunteer and career firefighters. Lists personnel, stations, news, apparatus and services.
Brockville Fire Department
Offers information on coverage area, equipment, history, personnel, dispatch communications, stations, contact details and tips for the public.
Burlington Fire Department
Offers a brief general description of the department and its responsibilities and offers a link to the city's emergency plan.
Chesterville Volunteer Fire Department
Features information on the duty roster, fire prevention tips, training, apparatus, department history and a photo gallery.
City of Toronto Fire Department
Offers command map, administration, fire provention, operations, dispatch contact, stations, training and apparatus.
Cobourg Fire Department
A residential department with a paid and volunteer roster. Includes services, apparatus, news and personnel.
Front of Yonge Fire Department
The department's home is Mallorytown and it offers local news, photos, safety tips and links.
Gravenhurst Volunteer Fire Department
The GVFD provides fire protection and public education services to residents and visitors to Ontario's vacationland, Muskoka.
Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Fire Department
Located in the eastern section of Peterborough County. Maintains two stations with a paid on call force, and offers information on personnel, services, dispatch contact, area of coverage and apparatus.
Kingston (East) Fire Department
The east division is made up of full-time and volunteer members in three stations. Coverage area, stations, addresses, members and equipment.
London Fire Services
A paid department, it describes administration, fire prevention, safety, training, location, services and tips for the public.
Marmora District Fire Department
The department is staffed with volunteers and serves the community with Fire, Rescue and First Response Medical services. Describes roster, training, apparatus and offers modes of contact.
Mississauga Fire & Emergency Services
Offers information on the city emergency plan, 911 service, fire suppression, recruiting, addresses, communications, training, stations and vehicles.
North Bay Fire Department
The city is served by three stations and lists personnel, contact details, firehalls, apparatus and discusses fire prevention.
Norwich Fire Department
The village department offers a history, activities, personnel, pictures and news.
Ottawa Fire Services
The city fire service comprises nine fire departments and lists services, education, prevention, recruitment and links to emergency preparedness.
Peterborough Fire and Rescue
The department protects the city from three stations and lists services, history, training, disasters and emergencies and planning.
Protection Hose Company No. 1: Thorold Volunteer F
Operating with paid and volunteer members from one station, it lists coverage area, personnel, stations, apparatus, services and describes the department's precision drill team.
Rosemont District Fire Department
The department are paid on call and list services, personnel, apparatus, activities and news.
St. Catharines Fire Services
History, fire safety, information, and pictures. Located in Ontario.
Township of Cramahe Fire Department
The department is based in Colborne and operates two stations with volunteers. Lists services, personnel, apparatus and activities.
Township of Scugog Fire Department
Operates from Port Perry from two stations with a volunteer staff. Lists coverage area, personnel, services, dispatch, activities, stations and apparatus.
University of Guelph First Response Team
The volunteer department operates from Guelph in one station. Lists staff, training, services, activities and news.
Windsor Fire Rescue Services
The department offers its coverage area and lists news, events, fire and rescue services, personnel, communications, apparatus, dispatch methods and training.