english deutsch
Academic Programs
Auburn University Psychology Department, Birmingham Southern College: Division of Behaviora, Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies, Institute of Biodynamic Psychology and Psychothera, Institute of Counselling, Jacksonville State University Psychology Departmen, New York Institute of Technology's Florida De, Nova Southeastern University's School of Hum, Samford University Psychology Department, The Huntington College Department of Psychology
Chats and Forums
Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Consultat, BASC Forum, Behavior OnLine, Behavior OnLine Chat Events, Postmodern Therapies (PMTH), Psych's On The Net, Roadmind, Suicidology E-Group, The Therapeutic Milieu
Continuing Education
Online, Alexandra Richman, Alfred Adler Institute of New York, Anderson & Anderson Anger Management Certifica, Atlanta Center for Cognitive Therapy, Attention Training Institute, Behavioral Health - Cicatelli Associates Inc., Boehme Workshops, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, California State University Northridge Workshop Pr, Cape Cod Institute
Administrative Resources for Mental Health Profess, Current Topics in Psychology, David Willshire's Forensic Psychology and Psy, e-Help.com for Psychologists, Mental Health Resources Canada, MFTSource.com, Online Dictionary of Mental Health, PsychoConsult, Psychopathology Links
Personal Pages
Bamberg, Michael, Bethany Teachman, Brynes, Glenn, Changing Core Beliefs, Dr. Benicio Gutiérrez-Doña, Dr. Leigh M. Baker, Dr. Michael Rayel, Driesen, Jacob L., Fenichel, Michael, Fox, Dennis
4therapy.com Jounal Locator, American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, American Journal of Psychotherapy, APA Journals, Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilit, Canadian Journal of Counselling / Revue Canadianne, Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal, Counselor: Magazine for Addiction Professionals, Ethical Human Sciences and Services
Activity Access
Focuses on links and ideas in the areas of music, recreation and activity therapy, for the therapist or caregiver working with mentally ill adults and adolescents.
Advanced Psychological Resources
Books, tests, and articles relating to psychology and human relations. Other services include workshops and discussion groups.
BehaveNet Clinical Capsules
A lexicon of terms commonly used in the mental health professions, including terms related to diagnoses, drugs, treatments, legislation and mental health care institutions.
Behavioral Health Management Services
Founded by Richard L. Tallman to provide collaborative cost effective behavioral health program development to health care systems.
Bluegrass Children's Performance Measurement
An outgrowth of the continuing effort to measure the effectiveness of private child care services and has met the initial criteria for inclusion in the future accreditation process and is included on JCAHO's list of acceptable systems.
Carroll Consulting Services
Provides professional development and consultation to mental health practitioners. Helps professional therapists improve skills and deal with a variety of difficult mental health and practice management issues.
Cathy Cole Training
Motivational Interviewing training and supervision provided via distance or online learning. Offers newsletter introducing professionals to MI concepts and to refresh the learning for those already practicing.
Cesare Behavioral Consulting
Consultation for purchasers, providers, managers and regulators of behavioral healthcare.
As therapists we can use movies as a therapeutic approach for reaching our patients.
Clinstat (Section: Psychological Trauma)
Seminars, educational presentations, workshops related to post traumatic stress (PTSD) and disorders of extreme stress (DES) are provided world wide.
COPAS Center
Outcome evaluation systems. State of the art research and technology in assessment and intervention planning for mental health, human service, educational, and community-based organizations.
Counseling Exam Licensure Prep Review
Test prep site for NCE, National Counselor Exam in Mental Health Counseling licensure NBCC certification.
Creative Therapy Associates, Inc.
Creative Therapy Associates is dedicated to producing materials and tools that address the mental health issues of children and adults in a unique way. Our products are used by teachers, psychologists, parents, and individuals.
Cultural Competence
Links to information for mental health professionals about delivery of health care services to culturally diverse populations.
Dual Diagnosis Resources
Books, videos, manuals, trainining, consulting, articles, motivational interviewing training and materials, and other resources for professionals in the fields of mental health, addictions, criminal justice, and homeless services.
EMDR Institute
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Clinical treatment that has successfully helped individuals who have survived trauma, including sexual abuse, domestic violence, and those suffering from depressions, addictions, and phobias. Offers training programs, workshops, and retreats.
Employee Assistance Page
EAP resource site for counselors and eap external vendors.
Brings together leading clinical organizations, physicians, and clients. Articles, newsletter, events calendar, and career center.
Expert Connections Forum on Depression
An expert faculty of psychiatrists and doctors of pharmacology supports medical professionals for the treatment of depression.
Family System Test (FAST)
Thomas M. Gehring's clinical and research tool for the planning and evaluation of family interventions. Includes bibliography and ordering information.
Law, psychiatry, and public policy resources. Links to research institutions, American psychology and psychiatry associations, criminal justice resources, and legal resources.
Foundation for Education in Emotional Literacy
Emotional intelligence and emotional literacy. Definition, newsletter, children's books available for purchase.
Induced ADC's
After-Death Communications are used in grief therapy to help people feel reconnected with deceased loved ones to heal their feelings of loss. Newsletter, journal, and workshops.
International Congress on Quality of Life (QOL)
International Conference of "Quality of Life in Clinical Practice", to be held in Chalkidiki, Thessaloniki, Greece, on April 5th-7th, 2002.
Resources, mailing lists, bylaws.
Community network and resources for psychotherapists, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, social workers, and mental health counselors.
Japanese Mental Health Newsletter
Newsletter written by a psychotherapist living in Tokyo Japan, with reports and news articles on Japanese mental health care, psychotherapy, psychology, counseling and psychiatry issues.
John Suler's Teaching Clinical Psychology
Useful resources for clinical psychology students.
Management Resources for Mental Health Professiona
Includes job search tools, management tools, and articles.
Mental Health Links for Professionals
Information on CME, psychopharmacology, reduced fee medication programs, and specific mental health conditions and issues.
Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program
For answers to who is providing the best services at the best price, who needs services, what the best treatments are for different kinds of problems.
Mental Health Supervision
Some thoughts on the client-therapist relationship from the point of view of a therapist. Articles, links, and a discussion area.
Mental Illness Education Project
Produce and distribute video-based educational programs and related materials. The Project's videotapes are designed to be used in hospital, clinical and educational settings. All proceeds from the sale of Mental Illness Education Project videos go toward the production of new educational materials.
Mental Nurse
A community based resource for mental health nurses and allied professionals. Post stories, read articles and current mental health news.
A knowledge-based, customer and growth driven company engaged in the development, marketing, and delivery of high-quality, standardized and integrated assessment and diagnostic products as well as practice and treatment management products and services. Our customers are mental health professionals.
Moonlight Oxon
Awareness courses for learning all aspects of mental health, working with sufferers, understanding the real experiences rather that rigid statements from diagnosis guides.
NASP Career Center
The National Association of School Psychologists site allows employers to post jobs available and qualified applicants can store their resume and respond. Includes job related articles.
Object Relations Theory and Psychotherapy
Provides resources in object relations theory and psychotherapy therapy including an introduction to object relations theory, threaded discussion, training information and an Eight Stage Model of Object Relations Therapy by Thomas Klee Ph.D.
Person-Centred Counselling
Offers a training video demonstrating a counselling session using the person centred approach.
Power Inside
Provides clients and their therapists with on-line treatment tools which complement face-to-face therapy and improve the quality of care provided.
Psychiatry On-Line
The International Forum for Psychiatry, Published by Priory Lodge Education Ltd.
Psychosis and Spirituality
Papers from a diverse range of people engaged in ongoing exploration of the connection between psychosis and spirituality. Proceedings and reflections on the second psychosis and spirituality conference held at King Alfred's College, Winchester.
Psychotherapy Finances
Helping mental health professionals build their income and make self-pay mental health therapy practices grow.
Radical Psychology Television
Produces films and CDROMs about issues in modern psychology. A lecture series featuring the purpose of dreaming and the implications of REM sleep disorders is available, and there is a how-to interactive series on brief therapy for depression, phobia and trauma now in production.
Rapid Eye Institute
Alternative healing training school for Rapid Eye Technology, an eye movement/blinking process for rapid stress relief.
Re-Evaluation Counseling and Co-Counseling
Teaches a process whereby people of all ages and backgrounds can exchange effective help to free themselves from the effects of past distress experiences.
Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Insti
Annotated links for critical incident stress management (CISM) and critical incident stress debriefing (CISD), articles, resource teams, and training opportunities.
Ronald and Patricia Potter-Efron
Facilitates workshops intended for mental health therapists, alcohol/drug counselors, psychologists, and related professional audiences. Workshop schedule and list of authored books for sale.
SHPM Professional Zone
Resources and telehealth information.
A web based, discharge-planning tool for professionals interested in placing people coming out of treatment centers, detox units, and other institutions.
Support for therapists and other mental health professionals who are abuse/trauma survivors. Forums, chat, resources, and links.
The Art and Science of Storytelling Therapy
Offers a training seminar on a medium of communication between therapist and client. The therapist incorporates verbal and non-verbal information provided by the client into the formulation and delivery of a story that affects therapeutic outcome.
The Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria
A fully independent research organization with a focus on neurosciences.
The Psychiatric Zone
Information about various psychiatric topics including neuroscience, psychology and social sciences. Also therapy and mental health issues.
World Counseling Network
Participants may promote their practices, list service offerings, sell products.