DID Survivors
The home of two e-mail support groups for those with DID/MPD, this site also includes poetry, artwork, and resources.
Dissociative Disorder
Support group for people diagnosed with any of the dissociative disorders (DID, dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, and other).
Dissociative Identity Disorder Community
Volunteer-moderated message boards and chat dedicated to sharing information, offering support, and coping strategies with DID. Requires registration.
Gathering Place
A safe site about one inner family's life with DID/MPD. Contains webring, interactive message forums, ICQ group, and bookstore.
Good Samaritan Ministries Alaska
A support site, from a Christian perspective.
Heart's Index
This site has information about the DID and about ritual abuse and mind control.
Inscriptions of Hope
Forum for survivors of childhood abuse dealing with MPD/DID.
Mending Ourselves-Multiples Coming Together
Online group for those with Dissociative Identity Disorder - terms explained and personal story recounted.
Mosaic Minds
Interactive support forum for those with MPD/DID and supporters. Mosaic Minds has numerous message forums, resources, information, and a links collection.
MPD Survivors
Support for those with multiplicity, including pages devoted to gay pride, anti-racism, teens, littles, poetry, and links.
Multiplicity - The Missing Manual
A collaborative resource manual regarding DID and MPD.
Multiplicity, Abuse, and Healing
Resources for exploration, political action, and general education.
NEEDID Support Network
A peer support network run by and for people with DID/DD and their supportive others. Offers peer-run support groups, links, Discussion Forum, and a snail mail newsletter.
Soul's Self-Help Central
Help and healing for the soul, with additional links to support groups, mailing lists, reading material and chat rooms. Described as a safe place for multiples to meet and share.