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Affiliated Groups, Apraxia - The Nebraska Group, Auckland Dyspraxia Support Group, Boston Area Parent Group, Charlotte Apraxic Families, East Lothian Dyspraxia Support Group, Expressive Communication Health Organization, Parents of Children with Verbal Apraxia Support Gr, South Metro Atlanta Apraxia Network, Southern California Apraxia Association
Leslie Styba, a speech language pathologist, gives a definition of apraxia and describes acquired apraxia and developmental apraxia of speech.
Apraxia of Speech
Provides an online support group, message center, and personal experiences with Apraxia.
Apraxia of Speech (Dyspraxia) Citations
John Faughnan, MD, MS, provides a summarized list of professional literature about apraxia of speech from PubMed.
Apraxia of Speech in Children - Resources
Sponsored by the UCLID Center at the University of Pittsburgh. Defines apraxia of speech and its treatment. Provides a list of speech pathology vocabulary.
Provides articles by speech-language pathologists, an e-mail discussion list, message board, newsletter, resources, book suggestions, news, and conference information.
CHERAB Foundation, Inc
An international non-profit organization which provides a support group, articles, and links about children who are late talkers or diagnosed with apraxia. Also included: up-to-date information about essential fatty acids research.
Child Apraxia Therapy Ideas
Provides therapy ideas for those treating a child with apraxia of speech. From Judith Maginnis Kuster's Communication Disorders Internet Guide.
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association
National nonprofit based in the United States. Information on programs, activities, and donations.
Children's Speech Sound Disorders: Questions
Provided by Caroline Bowen, Speech-Language Pathologist, this page describes apraxia and several other speech disorders.
Developmental Apraxia
By Nancy William, M.A., this page provides a parent-friendly definition of apraxia and suggestions for what parents can do at home to help their child.
Developmental Dyspraxia in Children
A page by Marie Novak, M.A., S-LP(C), CCC, that outlines common characteristics of children with verbal dyspraxia (apraxia of speech).
Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia: General Informatio
Shelley Velleman, Ph.D., a speech-language pathologist with a research interest in apraxia, provides a page about developmental verbal dyspraxia (childhood apraxia of speech).
Dyspraxia: Can We Talk?
A reference center for Speech-Language Pathologists, parents and friends. Provides description, recommendations, tips, treatment information, sample IEP, and humorous look at parenting.
Dyspraxic Teens
Forum offering support to teenagers with Dyspraxia. Information about Dyspraxia, resources, advice, and message board.
Ed Chapman's Speech and Developmental Delays
Provides Speech and Language Milestones, acronym definitions, and links to further information about apraxia of speech, speech disorders, and developmental delays.
Kaufman Children's Center for Speech Language
Provides therapy for apraxia of speech for preschool and early elementary-aged children. Site gives a list of signs of apraxia, a calendar of workshops sponsored by the Center, and links to more information. Director: Nancy Kaufman, M.A., CCC/SLP
Kids Talk Back
Dedicated to the support of parents with children who are apraxic. Provides basic information, testimonials about treatment options, an online diary of one child's progress, and "Apraxia Angels" featuring stories about children and their parents experiences.
NINDS Apraxia Information Page
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke briefly describes acquired apraxia (i.e. adult onset apraxia as result of stroke or similar incident of anoxia, a loss of oxygen to the brain), its treatment, prognosis, and helpful organizations.
Phonology Project and Clinic
Origins, assessment, and treatment of child speech disorders. Lawrence Shriberg, principal investigator, focuses on collaborative genetic projects in apraxia of speech.
Prompt Institute
Provides therapy for children with apraxia of speech. Gives a calendar of PROMPT workshops. Executive Director: Deborah Hayden, M.A.,CCC-SLP
Straight Talk About Dyspraxia
Offers a description of how to make a simple chart of the speech progress of a child with developmental verbal dyspraxia (apraxia of speech), links to more information, and other suggestions that have helped this parent in New Zealand.
The Dyspraxia Foundation
Supports individuals and families affected by developmental dyspraxia through books, suggestions, a teen newsletter, and an adult support group.
The Talking Page
Features sound clips of children with apraxia speaking. Produced by Scott Bilker and his son, Brandon.
Therapy Techniques Common For Apraxia
Using the five senses and other tips for working with individuals with apraxia of speech.
What Can You Tell Me About Apraxia
FAQ providing an overview of apraxia of speech from the Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ERIC).
Yahoo Groups: Dyspraxia
E-mail list providing support, tips, and suggestions for adults who have dyspraxia or similar coordination difficulties.