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Adult Dyslexia Organization
Effects of dyslexia on adult's emotions, family life, work, daily activities, and education - downloadable fact sheets, research findings, chat room, message board, and legal information for dyslexic adults in the UK.
Bright Solutions for Dyslexia
Includes description, definitions, symptoms, persistent myths, positive aspects, career matching, self-esteem building, types of testing and assessment, teaching methods, statistics, and current research results.
Writing Disability information page compiled by NINDS. On symptomology, treatment and prognosis.
Information sheet compiled by NINDS, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. On definition, treatment and prognosis.
Dyslexia - an introduction.
British Channel Fours site on dyslexia, published together with a TV series on dyslexia. On symptoms, causes, education, and research. Covers both childhood and adult dyslexia.
Dyslexia - Information for the Public
Student dyslexia information project from Malacaster College. Thorough information on definitions and causes.
Dyslexia In Adults
Community with forum for dyslexics, and relevant news.
Dyslexia My Life
A personal experience of being dyslexic. Information on dyslexia and promotion of the book "Dyslexia my life".
Dyslexia Online
A selection of articles on dyslexia including symptoms, possible causes, and alternative ways to prevent this common childhood disorder.
A contact point for people with dyslexia. An attempt at creating a dyslexia community. Both free resources and a commercial part.
Neuroscience for Kids - Dyslexia
Provides definition, information, facts, and references about dyslexia. Includes pictures from an MR spectroscopic imaging scan illustrating how the brain has to work harder in people with dyslexia.
The Arts Dyslexia Trust Internet Services
Concentrating on the creative potential of the many visually-dominant dyslexic minds. From 1896-1996, The Trust provided an advisory service for educationalists and others concerned with visual learning, and offered practical help to dyslexic students and adults in their art/design training and careers.
The Dyslexia Research Trust
A charity established to support research into the nature and causes of developmental dyslexia and to help children with visually impaired dyslexic problems. Research includes visual adaptations, genetics, brain imaging, and the potential role of nutrition and fatty acids treatment.