Stress, Adjustment Disorders, - Adjustment Disorders, Adjustment Disorder, Internet Mental Health, MFTSource - Treatment of Adjustment Disorder, PsychNet UK - Adjustment Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive, Panic, Personal Pages, Phobias, Post Traumatic Stress, Selective Mutism, Self-Help, Social Anxiety, Support Groups, Treatments
Child and Adolescent
ADD and ADHD, Attachment Disorder, Childhood Depression, Developmental Delay, Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Mental Retardation, Behavioral Disorders - Focus on Change, Born Aliens, Child and Adolescent Development, Childhood Disorders, Childhood Mental Health, Childhood Somatoform Disorders, Does Your Child Need Help?, Dr. Ruth Peters, Lady Spider's Web, Mental Health for Teens
AmoebaWeb Mental Health Disorders, Directory of Mental Health Resources, Mental Disorders, Mental Health and Psychiatry Internet Resources, Mental Health Links from, Social Psychology Clinical Psychology Links, Weid's Mental Health Disorders Links
Multiple Personality, Abuse Survivors Support Network (DID focus), Dissociative Experiences Scale - The Ross Institut, MPD Friends, The International Society for the Study of Dissoci, Welcome to Our Inner World
Anorexia, Articles, Binge, Bulimia, Directories, Organizations, Personal Pages, Pica, Support Groups, Treatment Services
Asher-Meadow Center, Betrayed The Dilemma of Munchausen Syndrome By Pro, Dr. Marc Feldman's Munchausen Syndrome, Factitious Disorder By Proxy/Munchausen By Proxy S, Julie Gregory, Mothers Against Munchausen by Proxy Allegations, Munchausen by Proxy and Sexual Abuse, Munchausen Syndrome - Frequently Asked Questions, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy Resources
Impulse Control
Intermittent Explosive, Kleptomania, Pathological Gambling, Pyromania, Self Injury, Trichotillomania, AllPsych, - Impulse Control Disorders, Impulse-Control Disorders ( N.E.Class. ), - Impulse-Control Disorders, PsychNet UK - Impulse Control Disorders, - Dr. David B. Adams, Psychology Information Online
Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Adolescent Mood Disorders, BehaveNet Clinical Capsule: Mood Disorder, Campus Blues, Christian Depression Pages, Depression and Bipolar Centre, Depression and Manic Depression, Depression in Women, Depressive Illness, Dr. Ivan's Depression Central, Early-Onset Mood Disorder
Autism Spectrum, Castang Foundation, Center for Neurobehavioral Health, Chandler Gilbert ARC, Cognitive Rehabilitation And Family Support Servic, Developmental Adult Neuro-Diversity Association, Developmental Re-Education Centre, Diablo Behavioral Healthcare, Forensic Neuropsychology, Human Development Center Web Site, Issues Specific to Children with Brain Disorders
Antisocial, Avoidant, Borderline, Chats and Forums, Dependent, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Obsessive-Compulsive, Paranoid, Passive-Aggressive
Chats and Forums, A Psychoeducational Web Site, Abnormal Psychology, Australian Mental Health, Bellaonline Mental Health Archive,, Codependents Anonymous Meetings,, Common Mental Problems, Counseling and Therapy News,
Articles and Research, Personal Pages, Schizoaffective, Schizoid Personality, Support Groups, 1in100, All About Schizophrenia - Mental Health Net, At Health - Schizophrenia, Clinical Brain Disorders Branch, eMedicine Health - Schizophrenia, Gloucestershire Hearing Voices Groups, Harvard Brain Tissue Center, Schizophrenia Community, In Practice, Innerminds
Body Dysmorphic, Conversion, Depersonalization, Hypochondria, Somatization, Alexithymia Chatsite: for partners of people with , Childhood Somatoform Disorders, Dr. David B. Adams - Somatoform Disorders, Family Practice Notebook: Somatoform Disorder, Pseudoseizures or Somatoform Spells, Hysteroepilep, Psy302 - Somatoform Disorders, Somatoform Disorder and Implicit Memory Bias (Ott , Somatoform Disorder: What It Is and How to Cope, Somatoform Disorders, Somatoform Disorders
Substance Related
Personal Stories, Support Groups,, American Foundation for Addiction Research, Behavioral Health Recovery Management, Christo Inventory for Substance-misuse Services (C, Drug Rehabilitation, Habit Smart, Implications of Impulsivity for Substance Use, Med Help - The Addiction Medicine Forum, Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Mental Health Matters: Addictive Disorders
Personal Pages, Support Groups, 1000 Deaths, About Elder Suicide, All About Suicide - Mental Health Net, American Association of Suicidology, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, But I'm Losing Hope..., Center for Studies and Therapy of Suicidal Behavio, Choose Life Project, Crisis Intervention Network - Suicide Prevention, Dealing with suicide
Mental Wellness
News and information on mental health issues, the history of mental illness understanding and treatment, basic facts about various mental illnesses, and tips on living with it.
NPR : Texas Mental Health Plan Could Omit Thousand
News story on changes in the way this state delivers services to the mentally ill under a new system called 'disease management.' [7:31 streaming audio broadcast]
Psych Central - Symptoms and Treatments of Menta
Lists culled from current diagnostic criteria most commonly used in the United States by mental health professionals. These are divided into three broad categories: adult, childhood, and personality disorders.