Dave's Home-Made Tugger
A make-it-yourself foreskin restoration device for under $6. Photos and instructions.
Foreskin Restoration Devices - The Hardware
Descriptions of restoration materials and devices.
Foreskin Restoration Images
Explicit pictures of restoration techniques in use
Foreskin Restoration Techniques
Graphic images and material are used to demonstrate foreskin restoration.
A homespun method to apply more tension to the top of the penile skin. Brief description and pictures.
Snap-On T-Tape Weight
Drawings and text for making a simple weight that will attach to the foreskin and won't slip off.
Tegaderm and Theraband (TNT)
Tegaderm is a brand of flexible tape. Theraband is stretchable rubber tubing frequently used in medical applications. The two can be combined to make a restoration device. These downloadable PDF files provide instructions.