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DES Syndrome
DES Action USA, DES Cancer Network, DES Stories, Health.nsw.gov - DES, Images of Uterine Deformity Caused by Diethylstilb, Questions and Answers About DES, Registry for Research on Hormonal Transplacental C, Testimony on DES
Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstet, OBGYN.net Fetal Monitoring, Strong Perifax Program
Gestational Diabetes
About Gestational Diabetes: Diabetes in Pregnancy, ADA Guidelines for Gestational Diabetes, Australasian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society, Diabetes and Pregnancy Guide, Diabetes in Pregnancy, Diabetes Type 2 & Pregnancy Tutorial, Diabetic Mommy Online Magazine, Gestational Diabetes: Postpartum Care and Concerns, Jelly Bean Alternatives for Glucose Testing, Learn About Gestational Diabetes
Cordblood is Precious
Information on Cord Blood banking and other medical options for your pregnancy.
Family Practice Notebook: Obstetrics
Comprehensive database of obstetric disorders.
General Practice Notebook - Obstetrics
Coverage of this medical speciality.
Hardin MD: Pregnancy & Obstetrics
Directory of resources in pregnancy and obstetrics from the University of Iowa.
NewsRx Report Series on Obstetric Therapy Research
Information and news from this subscription based series of monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports.
High-Risk pregnancy journal for patients and their providers.
OBGYN.net - Pregnancy and Birth
Useful pregnancy and birth information compiled from various sources.
Spinning Babies; Maternal Positioning to Solve the
Shorten long labors and solve back labor caused by Posterior babies. Safe, nonmedical techniques for easier childbirth that can be done in the L& D room. Reduce cesareans.
Women's Health
A comprehensive listing of guides about women's health from the University of Iowa's Virtual Hospital, aimed at the public.