Annals of Internal Medicine
Information relevant to internal medicine and related fields. [Registration required for full text.] Includes past issues.
Archives of Internal Medicine
American Medical Association's journal of internal medicine.
Australian Family Physician
The peer reviewed academic journal of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
British Medical Journal
Electronic version of the BMJ. Publish accessible information that will help doctors improve their practice and will influence the international debate on health. Access is free to all.
Cerrahpasa Journal of Medicine
Cerrahpasa Journal of Medicine is the official journal of the Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty
Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences
A quarterly journal published by Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.
Journal of the American Medical Association
An international peer-reviewed general medical journal.
Direct links to internal medicine journals.
Medical Journal of Australia
Australian medical research and reviews of clinical practice.
Bimonthly journal covering the latest results in clinical investigation relevant to hospital and office practice.
Rangel Medical Library
Links to informative sites arranged by internal medicine specialty.
Southern Medical Journal
Southern Medical Association's monthly publication devoted to continuing medical education.
The New England Journal of Medicine
Internationally renowned medical journal.