Bleich, Dr Howard Leslie
Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and co-President, Center for Clinical Computing (CCC). Site has curriculm vitae, bibliography, contact details and family photographs. Principal investigator of the research that produced PaperChase.
Coiera, Dr Enrico
Foundation Professorial Chair in Medical Informatics at the University of NSW. Co-director of the Centre for Health Informatics. Details provided of publications, editorial work and role in Australian informatics.
Conrick, Dr Moya
Lecturer, Griffith University, Queensland, Brisbane in School of Nursing. Contact details, profile and interests, qualifications, publications, participation and details of the International Classification for Nursing Practice provided.
Elkin, Peter L. M.D.
Associate Professor of Medicine and Medical Informatics, Mayo Medical School, Mayo Clinic, Rochester
Hovenga, Dr Evelyn Johanna Sophia
Associate Professor, School of Mathematical and Decision Sciences, Faculty of Informatics and Communication, Central Queensland University. Site has curriculum vitae, contact details, education and associations.
Ingram, Professor David
Partnered in international R&D projects in areas of educational computing (The Europe Against Cancer initiative), electronic healthcare records( European Union GEHR, Synapses, Synex ) and tropical medicine (Wellcome Trust Tropical Medicine Resource). Active in clinical and technical foundations for evolving CEN and ISO standards in information management for health care services. Leads a focal institute of health informatics within the UK Technology Foresight Programme. Biographical notes with details of publications, experience and organisational involvements.
Kalra, Dr Dipak
Clinical senior lecturer in the Centre for Health Informatics and Multiprofessional Education (CHIME) at UCL. Biographical notes, research interests, publications and contact information.
Legg, Professor Michael
Professorial Fellow, The Initiative in eHealth, University of Wollongong and private consultant in knowledge industry withg particular interests in pathology, messaging and standards. Details of business, memberships and associations, publications, past and current activities, and contact information.
O'Brien, Dr Brendan - Healthcare Informatici
Freelance healthcare informatician based in Northern Ireland. Personal details provided as well as qualifications, skill set, employment history, current projects, memberships, contact information and links.
Slack, Dr Warner
Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, co-president, of the Center for Clinical Computing and co-director of the Division of Clinical Computing, Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Developer of one of the first clincal information systems. Site has curriculum vitae, bibliography and contact details.
Tierney, William M.
Chief of the Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics in the IU School of Medicine. Founding Fellow, American Medical Informatics Association. Details of publications, research projects, awards and professional appointments provided.