english deutsch
Columbia University Biomedical Informatics
Offers programs in biomedical, clinical and public health informatics as well as bioimaging. Details of resources, affiliates, people, curriculum and calendar. Associated with New York Presbyterian Healthcare Network.
Duke University, Division of Clinical Informatics
Details of people, research, training, contacts and links. Research focus includes record systems, decision support, hospital information systems, standards development, security, confidentiality, privacy and medical data mining.
Georgia Institute of Technology, Medical Informati
GVU Faculty - Explores ways through which to model, represent, visualize, and interpret the information associated with complex structures and dynamic processes. Extensive research and project details.
Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General
Research and development group offering a research training program for qualified postdoctoral physicians and a National Library of Medicine (NLM) training program. Details of DXPLAIN a clinical decision support system.
Harvard University, Program in Biomedical Informa
Information about courses, fellowship training, application details, research groups, seminars, support.
Harvard University, Center for Clinical Computing
Details people, research and fellowships. Includes Dr Warner Slack's home page (arguably the father of medical informatics). Links to PaperChase and Journal of Med Informatics.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Divis
Active in medical and genome informatics, consumer health informatics, point-of-care and evidence-based medicine, biomedical editing and communication and electronic publishing. Lists news and events, faculty and training details, seminars, applicant and fellowship details.
Ohio State University Medical Center Department of
Cross-disciplinary department, focusing on scientific data integration, imaging and simulation, medical informatics, computational biology, and bioinformatics. Develops middleware and optimizations for enabling Grid computing. Research, faculty, and course details given.
Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), Depa
Offers research and teaching, including an on-line graduate certificate, distance education, research, event calendar.
Stanford Medical Informatics, Stanford University
Academic and research group creating and validating models of knowledge and data use within biomedicine. Publications, people, FAQ, affiliations, projects, links, and course details.(California)
The Informatics Institute of University of Medicin
Focused on biomedical research, education, and enhanced clinical practice through informatics. Information provided on events, training, staff, contacts, courses and sites of interest.
University of Pennsylvania State, Center for Info
Penn State College of Medicine and the Hershey Medical Center. Features the mission, medical informatics for physicians and developers, a power search and informatics notes.
University of Wisconsin, Medical Informatics and
MIDAS - Conducts research in medical applications of artificial intelligence and decision theory, and provides academic programs.
University of California, Davis, Decision Support
Archive from graduate course in 2001. Course details, useful bookmarks, peolple and readings.
University of California, Irvine, Information and
Focus on medical information access, knowledge representation, biomedical modeling data structures and simulations, gene expression control, clinical knowledge discovery, computational biology, bioinformatics, probabilistic modeling and machine learning. Research details, faculty and course details and related links provided.
University of California, Los Angeles
Imaging-based medical informatics program with information on the academic program, including faculty, current research, and classes.
University of California, San Francisco - The Biol
Research in computer-supported evidence-based medicine, health economics, medical error reduction, imaging informatics,and translational research in clinical pharmacology and molecular diagnostics. Details graduate program with faculty, admission, resource details and links.
University of Columbia, Department of Biomedical I
Site has information about public health informatics, bioimaging and clinical informatics.
University of Florida, Medical Informatics
Developing computer-assisted instruction for medical education. Expertise includes: CD-ROM, Internet publishing, computer-based assessment, personal digital assistants, telemedicine, and distance education.
University of Michigan, Applied Medical Informatic
Involved in applied clinical informatics, healthcare technology standards, patient care information systems (PCIS) and telemedicine.
University of Minnesota, Health Informatics Gradua
Masters program emphasizes the role of informatics in liaison. Curriculum includes:health informatics, technology-focused health administration, statistics and research design, electives and specialist subjects.
University of Missouri , Health Management and Inf
Various masters level degree programs. Provides FAQs, and details of courses, fellowships, partners, financial aid.
University of New Jersey, Medicine and Dentistry ,
Graduate, post doctoral and certificate program details including curriculum, courses,competencies.
University of Pittsburgh, Biomedical Informatics T
Masters, doctoral and non-degree post-doctoral fellowship training programs in bioinformatics, dental informatics, and health services. Course, traineeship, funding, application material, university information as well as Pittsburgh information and educational links provided.
University of Pittsburgh, The Center for Biomedica
Research into use of information technology in health care and education. Training and course offerings with faculty, links, employment and training opportunities, projects news, and contact details. Links to IAIMS (Integrated Advanced Information Management System)program.
University of Rochester, Division of Medical Infor
Research into object-oriented database technology, medical imaging databases, web-based patient profile systems, e-mail and pager physician alerts for critical reports. Faculty and project details, news and events and telemedicine links.
University of South Florida, College of Medicine M
Some course details and links.
University of Texas, Department of Surgery, Medica
Targets surgeons and scientists. Emphasis given to the use of computers in critical care and emergency medicine.
University of Utah, Department of Medical Informat
Focus on clinical health information systems, computerized decision-making, evaluation of computerized patient care, genetic epidemiology/ bioinformatics, medical imaging, and medical informatics research. Details education, admission, FAQs, awards, reports, abstracts, past exams, people and research opportunities.
University of Virginia, Division of Clinical Infor
Clinical investigation and management focus across health disciplines. Contributes to graduate degree program. Active in development of a clinical data repository. Details of staff, reports, teaching materials and meetings.
University of Washington, Biomedical and Health I
Details of people, courses, research, news and resources. Offers masters level program in research, teaching and information management.
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Computation and
Interdisciplinary predoctoral and postdoctoral bioinformatics training program, funded by a grant from The National Library of Medicine. Links, events, people and news.
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, College of Hea
Health care administration and informatics unit offering a Master of Health Care Informatics.
Vanderbilt University Medical Centre, Department
Masters and PhD programs,postdoctoral positions and combined programs with medical school. Projects, publications, news, activities, FAQs and contacts.
Yale University, Center for Medical Informatics, N
Information on post-doctoral fellowships and projects.